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Everything posted by opo0101

  1. put spec command?
  2. People who's opinion is to stab their own team mates in the back are stupid.
  3. Found a work around but it kinda sucks as I was used to playing like this.
  4. just like the welcome player and white flash on loading. this is not needed.
  5. turn off anyone?
  6. I'm playing and can't access the panzer for example. Nobody has it on my team. And the other team has 1. Why can't I access the panzer? It has never worked for me and I try almost daily. If you want my username pm me, although I hope no one else has to do this. Was I picked not to have one?
  7. y cant i spec like hirntot? !spec ez ...????????????
  8. I would but because of rinput mouse is super slow. Hirntot has implemented subject matter too. Thanks for reply.
  9. so yea revive like barely working now
  10. Tar for reply. I just see it as slowing the flow of the game and plain annoying. I never kill my own team mates at start but others are mental. Any reason why it was implemented? regards spence
  11. Wondering if it's possible to turn of friendly fire when the matches start?
  12. Hi, does anyone know if you can add a killshot delay like in et pro on a legacy game? regards
  13. how do u minimize and maxamize by any chance?
  14. ............lol
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