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Posts posted by lost

  1. 4 hours ago, Sklamak said:

    Why kick me TM - Lost? .. he saying im ruzlik ? who is ruzlik ? .. i dont know .. he kick me on 900s .. this is not normal ..

    Im old czech player ..  Since 2010-2020

    I don't understand throwing out if I don't check who it is

    i playing very long time .. im inactiv ..

    there's no reason to hate me :D

    thx sko

    Hi Sklamak 

    This was the mistake Im sorry about it. There is one player From Poland who were using very similar IP like You and he is banned on our server. Why are you using VPN, because when I checked your ip it shows that is VPN ip. To be honest I do not recognize your name and you are very handy with Polish langauge thats why I thought you are Zublik

    Sorry for this misunderstanding

  2. 6 hours ago, juissi said:

    This guy 100% isn't a cheater, he even streams his games. 

    Also "improving his skill in few days" is most likely because he's been completely shitfaced one day and not the other day, doesn't mean anything. Also recently started playing again  after nearly 10years break so improving fast makes perfect sense :)


    Like i said, i did not check the demo only notice his skill improvement in very short time. Streaming is not the proof that some1 is clear or not  ;) there was one example with streamer who was caught ;) im not familiar with aimbots, but these programs are improved compared to the start of ET. With very good configuration it is nearly impossible to proof some1 is cheating or not and there were many cases that some1 was using bot, but only malfunction in this bot software help with catching cheaters and make everything clear

  3. 14 minutes ago, Matu said:

    Is that was the answer to the first insulter on first post?then it can take as he not respect THAT guy and wont consider HIM(not jews) as a human based on how he talks.


    Yup he was answering this guy who I reported

  4. This guy cant behave on the server and trashtalking all the time, about everybody hates him becaue he is jew etc and he started to writing some racist sentences. Some screenshots in links.

    Some of his sentences:

    Poland should belong to Russia because this is useless country.

    He wish Poland will be bombed again.

    He told me to screw goat.

    He would give Poland to Isis





  5. Knardo contact me in prv message on discrod, probably his english is not so good so i will write what he mean and want. He is claiming that he did not start this trashtalk with Cain, in his opinion Cain started calling him with bad names. So he is asking admins to check logis from that day. 

  6. Every member can speak in case of reporting one of us. I deal with people like you everyday on the server. You all the time claiming that you did not anything wrong, you are clear, follow every rules and bad admins made wrong decisions. Kindergarten is over, follow the rules and there will be not problem at all.

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  7. Another player who thinks that we OWE him anything or we are working for him. To be clear, admins are players too. We want to have fun, everyday some1 is not behaving, making sk/tk etc. Forum is the place to ask why some1 kick some1, mute, ban etc. In game we want to play or check if everything is ok. We dont have time to arguing or explaining everything in the game because this is not practical. You want to know who kicked/banned You and why. We gave you all the answers. You can accept them or not. We dont need to you kick you instantly, usually we are warning before kicking/banning, but if you doing the same thing again in one day, you have to deal with consequences. You were ask to go to forum and make a topic, you joined back the server and started arguing again. Thats all

  8. 10 hours ago, Mani said:

    I agree, it's one of the things that makes covy fun and personality think it should be enabled in all maps, all time.

    Like Bremen 


    Additionaly cvops will be able to kill enemy mortar. Right now it is impossible at first stage of the game. Only opposite mortar can kill axis mortar in axis second spawn.

  9. 3 hours ago, Matu said:

    You mortared caturable flag.Member died and others also complained.Our members isnt oblicated to stop playing and concentrate only to peoples wishes,they are not your slaves.They dont know all coordinates and dont need to go spec to confirm your hits.

    What goes to "we let our buddy's spawkill" and "pick on newcomers" is total bullshit from a newcomer,who doesnt kow and repect our rules and moderators.Respect is a two way street.


    Matu this is different story.  Im pretty sure this spec999 is "the New normal " and he was mortaring axis second spawn on radar. After he was warned, he was trying to convince us that he is right.  He was shooting slide on radar which is at the same line as axis front spawnexit. After warning he was duscussing with as all the time and I said that he can leave if he dont like our rules

    • Thanks 1
  10. 6 hours ago, uips said:

    I experience same red spikes mentioned by Lost. Not sure if its because of my connection or server and how it affects shooting?

    Another thing i noticed on ETL is bullets registering with delay? Like you can run behind wall and actually die behind wall due bullet registering delay? That was something new for me that i did not experience in other servers.

    Another things is the famous hitboxes compared to animations. Like at certain times the registering hitbox is in different place than head model. You can have ur crosshair on head and miss shots because the actualy registering hitbox is not matching with animation. Someone very "skilled" that has mastered the hitboxes. Basically the more u can make ur hitboxes mismatch the animation the harder you will be to hit.

    Here is some info about hitboxes: https://enemyterritorytips.wordpress.com/2008/11/22/hitboxes-in-enemy-territory-et-pro-reyaip-report/

    In my case the problem was with my wifi extender. It was causing these red spikes on lagometer. I started using direct connection to my main router and problem vanished. And im too sometimes experiencing these "delayed" bullets efect, for example im running from enemy who is shooting my back,im trying to hide behind the wall or other object and when im thinking that im saved im getting last hit, but im sure enemy cant see me or something. This is weird

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