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Everything posted by loki

  1. I would rather have easy oponents luck instead of lucky spawns
  2. Trust me, it will be a picture of sky.
  3. loki

    The next competiton

    noeeeeeeeee I heard voices. People demand minesweaper on this list. Cheers!
  4. love is in the air
  5. loki

    TM Cup - It's Over!

    3 guys one cup.
  6. loki

    Can't use my headset

    I was expecting problem with to big head. Can't help in this case.
  7. loki

    Booze Battle #2

    for under 18 folks, remember alcohol is bad, k'kay ?
  8. my fps drops when there is any action around, and its appeard random, once its ok once not
  9. loki

    Muppet Mail #3

    and again, no CROSSWORD, shame on u, gj
  10. does 2 tanks means tank race ? if yes I do dips on mini to be in team with
  11. I got solution for that, works fine for me. Dont play on gaymode. cheers !
  12. Spybot - Search & Destroy- last time I scaned there was some "threat" from www.teammuppet.eu
  13. Sounds good, things like that always work out. But cant be done so frequently, every 1/4 of year or even longer time imo,
  14. actually we used to on some other test servers
  15. no crossword no crossword again ! whats the point of "neewspaper" without a crossword ?
  16. what calendar u use bro ?
  17. loki

    Hide 'n' seek event

    lol miki 1000 posts, dont do anymore
  18. oh yes dude ofcourse we will unban u and send apology flowers and chocolates ! we dont have any better things to do then observe old cheaters all the time to be sure that they are not on wh again, but oh sorry u promise to us u wont be use it anymore, thats cool ur word oh honor means to us THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS much.
  19. loki

    The Muppet Mail

    I am disapointed, scrolled down and there is no crosswod or sudoku
  20. at sundays 19-22 I used to go for a beer with friend. Great that event worked out
  21. loki

    Predator's options

    preda med vs non medic fellows and 1:5
  22. I am an alien
  23. loki

    Broken screenshots

    My tv did same when Pegasus game was broken ;D
  24. veni, vidi, vici, vodka !

    1. T.A.H



    2. loki


      thats true aswell

    3. Slarty


      Veni, vidi, visa, vodka (I came, I saw, I bought vodka)

  25. etblight yeah lets have some fun
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