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  1. Never stop the perseily ja kohta vedetään taas!
  2. And how exactly is that behavior worthy of 60y ban? I get extending his ban a little because of the guid thing and all but 60years seems a bit harsh
  3. Yeah and I also gave reasons for possible changes in his skill level
  4. His aim jumps to enemies slower than usually if anything in those demos, I dont know how you can think that's an aim assist
  5. Also checked the demos and there was absolutely nothing at all that looked anything like "aim assist" or anything like that at all. Tbh his aim wasn't even anything special in those demos, every time he hit many headshots it was on people not really even moving at all, I don't know how can you guys be so certain he's cheating based on those.
  6. This guy 100% isn't a cheater, he even streams his games. Also "improving his skill in few days" is most likely because he's been completely shitfaced one day and not the other day, doesn't mean anything. Also recently started playing again after nearly 10years break so improving fast makes perfect sense https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1759109070
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