We have decided to put the silent server back up due to certain people using mac pc and using Et:legacy installer, they can no longer connect to our etpub server. We have decided to make the setting different to etpub so if you fancy trying then please do so. You can also still use our menu to connect or silent.teammuppet.com The server has FF on NO heavy weapons Riffle nades set to 35% No adrenalin 12 landmines 3 Tripmines Map list Baserace Xmas Bulldog Eagles 2ways Escape 2 Et Ice Frostbite Fuel Dump Xmas (make sure your hunkmegs are set higher) North pole Radar winter Supply Depot 3 UJE xmas UJE Amsterdam UJE Xmas Tank UJE Gold Rush UJE snow patrol UJE xmas room Coldfort Santas grotto Treetop Wurttemberg Xmas hills If you have anything idea or any changes then please let us know. Rule are still the same on this server unless you would like to allow sk or something like that.