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RosenCruz last won the day on January 26

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About RosenCruz

  • Birthday 09/02/1986

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  • Location:
    Turkey / Germany

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  1. RosenCruz


    Hello and welcome I remember playing at FP servers back in the days. Good times. There was a web site of them with a forum and portal I guess. Good to see some old faces. Welcome again. I am 39 at the moment. We have some older players and administrators here
  2. Defending team can not use heavy in spawn either, not anymore. For example, Axis second spawn was great for MG to lie on his belly and kill any allied coming close to bringing power generator. That is no more. Heavy can not be used in spawn also for the defending team.
  3. Hello May be you should ask for help from ET:Legacy Discord server. There are experienced people who are deeply involved within the game. This is a gaming community and there are very experienced admins here but I doubt they have time to help setup another server. May be @Floor @Andecould provide a better answer. Good luck with the server.
  4. A mortar can easily block stairs to gold room in et_beach. I remember KIMI AHK doing ridiculous amount of frags at prime time on the server. I am not a fan of heavy regulations but may be some things are justified especially during prime hours.
  5. I m not a native English speaker but I feel there is pun intented with that nickname Anyways. Welcome to the server and enjoy the game. We have many oldies around. 58 is the new 35! Greetings to UK
  6. Hello and welcome many of us are relatively older, RTCW and ET players. TM server is really one of the best in the scene and I hope you keep playing with us. Welcome again and c ya in the games Owl
  7. RosenCruz

    Happy New Year!

    Happy new year to all TM Family !!!
  8. Merry Christmas to good people of TM !
  9. Are you experiencing VPN usage error? You need to provide your in game username and may be @Flocan take a look into it.
  10. You can get better correspondence if you use English Your message is roughly translated to sth like this (via google translate) Not sure what the error might be as I check your console logs. That looks more like a file system check? May be some more experienced member with the technical side of the game could help you better. Did you try saving your ET key and doing a fresh installation?
  11. RosenCruz


    We probably have that age group too
  12. RosenCruz


    Hello and welcome. We have many like minded and late 30s early 40s fellas here from the good old days of ET. Enjoy!
  13. Sorry froggy. I missed this was under Beginners server section 😕
  14. I play late night but looks like not that late or early to see a FOPS bot
  15. Resisting the urge to write something Turkish here
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