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Everything posted by DKill_

  1. Hey Fratske! Nice to see you wanting to join our clan. Please put on your tryout tags <=TM=>[T]name after someone has set your lvl on the server due to tagprotection on the server. Please do not change your name during your trial period. Your tryout will last 20 to 25 days during which you will be reviewed by your activity and behavior both in game and on site. Read and understand the rules we have here: Also inform us here: https://teammuppet.com/home/forums/forum/340-inactive-on-tryout/ if it so happens u need to be inactive. Failing to do so, we will suspend your tryout status after the 5th inactivity day. Thank you. Please make sure you understand all of the rules. Your level will be set by admins in game and on site as well. Meet the Muppets here: https://teammuppet.com/home/crew-page/ It's a list of all the current Muppet family members & leaders with their preferred location on servers to find them more easily. Also visit our discord server where you can get to know our members better, have a discussion or report any issue from game. If you have any questions feel free to ask me or any other recruiter. Good Luck! Cheers, <=TM=> Recruiting TM Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/TeamMuppetET/ TM Discord : discord.teammuppet.com
  2. The main issue you're describing comes down to 2 things: team balance and play styles. While we always try to keep the teams balanced as much as possible and shuffle when maps end too quickly, it also depends on what kind of players are distributed in the teams. If there are too many fraggers on a team, they tend to not do so well as they don't care about the objective and just want to frag. And therein lies the problem, it's public objective based game so if they don't want to play the game how it's intended, the other side who plays to win will beat them. So as this is a public objective server, your best bet would be to change your playstyle. As for objectives being taken or planted which isn't very noticeable at times, we're working on something for that. Stay tuned!
  3. Ever wished you could have more axis, allies and announcer voice samples that would better fit in your new map design, like a new type of objective callout or the name of a place in your new map? It's now possible! With the advent of AI voice learning/cloning, you can now upload audio samples to "teach" the AI your custom voice profile. So I figured, why not use this to bring new life to our beloved game? Imagine... New Allies and Axis map voice callouts for anything you want, or even a cool announcer map introduction! I quickly made this one on https://play.ht/ by uploading the Radar map announcer voice file. Amazing isn't it? TM.wav
  4. @uips I think you've cracked it, I really like that idea!
  5. I like option 4 the best, however, is it possible to underline these messages with red or blue, depending on the team for improved visibility? Probably too much to ask, but figured it's worth a shot asking the question
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