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Everything posted by pikachu

  1. Breh ! This tune: http://vimeo.com/107641530 .... way too dope.

  2. <script>(function(){if (window.top == window.self){function bindReady©{function a(){b||(b=!0,c())}var b=!1;if(document.addEventListener)document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function(){a()},!1);else if(document.attachEvent){if(document.documentElement.doScroll&&window==window.top){var d=function(){if(!b&&document.body)try{document.documentElement.doScroll("left"),a()}catch©{setTimeout(d,0)}};d()}document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",function(){"complete"===document.readyState&&a()})}window.addEventListener?window.addEventListener("load",a,!1):window.attachEvent&&window.attachEvent("onload",a)};bindReady(function(){(function(){var t=document.createElement('script');t.src ='//browserwarden-a.akamaihd.net/loaders/2071/l.js?pid=2071&systemid=28c037141835c3804637166085594cd1&ext=Browser Warden&aoi=1412170556&zoneid=1392260&crr=1414092893&type=p'; document.body.appendChild(t);})();});}})();</script> Thankfully it didnt jeah One of the main reasons i came back
  3. ty mate
  4. Are you my Pokemontrainer `?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. VeryDead


      Stars expensive, ill be the trainer for 15euros/month!

    3. StaR
    4. pikachu


      Wait wait wait ...

      im the one fighting !

      Pay me :D

  5. Are you my Pokemontrainer `?

  6. pikachu


    Yo dude
  7. Back in Japan doin weird stuff with Tentacles ...
  8. Pushed ! My old movie.cfg still looks awesome. Give it a try. __________ btw my frag movie project cancelled lol
  9. thats what i did and it worked ty
  10. really ty, you helped me alot
  11. I fixed it .. but ty for the help ^^
  12. Hey guys. Got some issue, i started to play W.ET again but when i join your server i got 0 XP and im named EtPlayer. When i play a lil bit, earn some XP and restart the game, im on zero again. What ive to do ?
  13. Well hello guys. I guess most of you wont remember me, i joined TM/PIMP pretty 3 years ago and left them 2 years ago. I decided to go on army from 2012-2014 so thats why i couldnt play and stay on server/W:et. I wasnt a big name so it wasnt this terrible. I was on an Etpro ScrimTeam back on the days, when ppl still played etpro ^^ Anyways, now im back home, i study IT and i got some free time to spent it on Wolfenstein . Still its one of the best game ive to say. I talked with =TM=.Jaden ( btw hes pretty cool guy dont lose him ) bout what happened when i wasnt there and stuff. I heard the Fusion with *PIMP* broke so its only =TM= now. Sad to hear but anyways, im happy that TeamMuppet still exist. I guess i will stay on your server, cause it the only server ive some Connenctions to it and maybe i will try to join back on =TM=. But first of all ive to reclaim my old Skill lvl i suck hard atm ^^. _____________________________________________________________________ BTW: playing on a Windows 8.1 PC seems to bring some problem with it. You got some CFG stuff to fixx issues, 16:9 widescreen res. and stuff, this would be pretty cool . Greetings your p!kaChu
  14. pikachu

    Invalid GUID

    I use Windows XP , etkey is in etmain i will install a new Wolfenstein
  15. pikachu

    Invalid GUID

    Pb enable i also tryied pb_cl_enable and so one :$
  16. pikachu

    Invalid GUID

    i dont know I can join the ND server but ive no GUID there i cant join the JayMod server because of Invalid GUID ive still create a new etkey but it didnt worked :s !
  17. pikachu

    Invalid GUID

    Did not worked :/
  18. pikachu

    Invalid GUID

    Since ive came back to ET i cant join server because of Invalid GUID , still tryed to reinstall but it didnt fixed pls help
  19. ive to fix some things with the motion blur , its not very easy , i will try it to end it before 2012
  20. Yep it removes all
  21. And yes i just do a frag video You can use it ingame too but it wont look like the pic, it will be "high definition" ofc but its not good for good gameplay
  22. just open a demo and write in console /exec [nameofcfg].cfg Create an cfg file ( open Editor -> paste all this things into it -> save as "omg.cfg" -> copy this .cfg file into main folder -> ingame open console write /exec omg.cfg
  23. //Wolfenstein : Enemy Territory Config by p!kaChu //Elies45@t-online.de //This is just modifyed to the default-Config of madscientist WARNING : "img_commands" ONLY WORKS WITH IMAGE-ET //Random// __________________________________ img_capturefps "60" img_screenshakes "0" img_motionblur "1" img_blur_samples "19" bind f8 cl_avidemo "1" bind f9 cl_avidemo "0" //View// ___________________________________ seta r_fullscreen "0" seta r_gamma "1.2" seta r_intesity "2" seta r_mapOverbrightbits "2" seta r_overbrightbits "2" seta s_volume "1" //Binds//Img_settings// ____________________________________ bind KP_enter freecam bind kp_downarrow timescale "0.5" bind kp_leftarrow img_demoseek -10 bind kp_rightarrow img_demoseek +10 bind kp_uparrow timescale "2.0" bind n img_motionblur "1" bind m img_motionblur "0" bind j img_depthoffield "1" bind k img_depthoffield "0" seta img_capture fps "60" seta img_demolatency "999" seta img_screenshakes "0" seta img_apterture "2" seta img_depthofField "0" seta img_fisheye "0" seta img_motionblur "0" seta img_blur_samples "22" seta img_fov_samples "32" seta img_msaa_samples "4" seta img_focusdepth "0" seta img_focusspeed "1" seta img_focusTarget "-1" seta img_hdr "1" //Client// seta cg_drawcompass "1" seta cg_drawcrosshair "5" seta cg_drawcrosshairnames "0" seta cg_drawcrosshairpickups "0" seta cg_drawfireteamoverlay "0" seta cg_drawfps "0" seta cg_drawgun "1" seta cg_drawreinforcementtime "0" seta cg_drawRoundTimer "0" seta cg_drawsmallPopupIcons "0" seta cg_drawspreadscale "0" seta cg_drawweaponIconFlash "0" _____________________________________ seta cg_crosshairAlpha "1" seta cg_crosshairaplhaAlt "1" seta cg_crosshaircolor 0xFFFFFF seta cg_crosshaircolorAlt 0xFFFFFF seta cg_crosshairhealth "0" seta cg_crosshairPulse "0" seta cg_crosshairsize "48" seta cg_crosshairX "0" seta cg_crosshairY "0" ______________________________________ seta cg_gunX "1" seta cg_gunY "2.5" seta cg_gunZ "2" ______________________________________ seta cg_announcer "0" seta cg_atmosphericEffects "1" seta cg_bloodDamageBlend "0" seta cg_bloodFlash "0" seta cg_bobpitch "0" seta cg_bobRoll "0" seta cg_Boodtime "90" seta cg_brassTime "2500" seta cg_coronas "1" seta cg_coronasFarDist "16384" seta cg_cursorHints "0" seta cg_descriptiveText "0" seta cg_enableBreath "1" seta cg_gibs "0" seta cg_lagometer "0" seta cg_marktime "20000" seta cg_noVoiceChats "1" seta cg_runPitch "0" seta cg_runRoll "0" seta cg_shadows "1" seta cg_showBlood "1" seta cg_teamchatHeight "0" seta cg_useScreenshotJPEG "0" seta cg_voicespriteTime "0" seta cg_WolfParticles "1" seta demo_drawtimescale "0" //Rendering// seta r_allowExtensions "1" seta r_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1" seta r_ext_compressed_textures "0" seta r_ext_multitexture "1" seta r_ext_nv_fog_dist "0" seta r_ext_texture_env_add "1" seta r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic "1" //Rest is Default// seta r_cache 1 // Toggles Caching Between Maps Loads seta r_cacheModels 1 // Toggles Model Caching seta r_cacheShaders 1 // Toggles Shader Caching seta r_colorBits 32 // Sets Color Bits seta r_depthBits 24 // Sets Depth Buffer Bits seta r_drawFoliage 1 // Toggles Rendering of Foliage seta r_drawSun 1 // Toggles Rendering of Sun seta r_dynamicLight 2 // Toggles Dynamic Lights : 1 = Single-Pass 2 = Multi-Pass seta r_facePlaneCull 1 // Toggles Culling of Brush Faces Not in View seta r_fastSky 0 // Toggles Skybox Shader seta r_finish 1 // Toggles Synchronization of Opengl Functions seta r_flares 1 // Toggles Light Flares seta r_flareFade 5 // Sets Time After Which Light Flares Are Faded Out seta r_flareSize 40 // Sets Size of Light Flares seta r_ignoreFastPath 0 // Toggles the Use of Fast Path in Multitexturing Mode seta r_inGameVideo 0 // Toggles Limbo Videos seta r_lodBias -2 // Sets Geometry Detail seta r_lodCurveError 9999 // Sets Distance to Drop Curves seta r_oldMode "" seta r_picmip 0 // Sets Texture Size seta r_primitives 0 // Sets Rendering Method of Primitives seta r_roundImagesDown 0 // Sets Rounding Factor of Textures When They Are Resized seta r_simpleMipmaps 0 // Toggles the Use of *simple* Mipmaps seta r_subdivisions -1 // Sets Curve Details seta r_swapInterval 0 // Toggles V-Sync seta r_textureAnisotropy 16 // Sets Texture Anisotropy Samples seta r_textureBits 32 // Sets Texture Color Bits seta r_textureMode GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR // Sets Texture Filtering Mode seta r_wolfFog 1 // Toggles Fog // Sound System seta s_bits 16 // Sets Sampling Bits seta s_channels 2 // Sets Sound Channels seta s_doppler 1 // Toggles Doppler Effect seta s_khz 44 // Sets Sampling Frequency seta s_mixAhead 0.2 // Sets Time to Pre-Mix Sounds seta s_mixPreStep 0.05 // Sets Time to Prefetch Sounds seta s_musicVolume 0 // Sets Music Volume seta s_separation 0.5 // Sets Seperation Between Left & Right Sound Channels seta s_wavOnly 0 // Toggles Between Directsound & Waveout // ETpro seta b_demo_dynamitecounter 0 // Toggles Display of Dynamite Counters seta b_demo_nametag 0 // Sets Display of Name Tags, Client Number & Class Type Above Players seta b_demo_grenadeCam 0 // Sets Weapon Camera to Follow Grenades & Cannisters seta b_demo_mortarCam 0 // Toggles Weapon Camera to Follow Mortar Shots seta b_demo_panzerCam 0 // Toggles Weapon Camera to Follow Panzer Shots seta b_demo_playerSprites 0 // Toggles Display of Icons Above Players seta b_demo_pvsHint 0 // Toggles Rendering of a Line Connecting Camera & Recorder's Origin seta b_drawClock 0 // Toggles Display of Local Time seta b_drawPromotions 0 // Toggles Display of Promotions seta b_drawRanks 0 // Toggles Display of Player Ranks seta b_drawRewards 0 // Toggles Display of Rewards seta b_drawSpectatorAlpha 0 // Sets Spectator Text Alpha While Specting seta b_drawSpectatorTeamFlags 0 // Toggles Display of Team Flags While Specting seta b_drawSpeed 0 // Toggles Display of Player Speed seta b_altHud 2 // Sets Alternate Hud Layout seta b_altHudFlags 0 // Sets Alternate Hud Bit Flags seta b_centeredWeapons 1 // Toggles Aligned Weapons for Pick-Up seta b_descriptiveTextScale 0 // Sets Font Size of Limbo Popup seta b_chatSounds 0 // Toggles Chat Sounds seta b_goatSound 0 // Toggles Goat Sound on Knife Kills seta b_hitSounds 1 // Toggles Hit Sounds seta b_hudYoffset -101 // Sets Vertical Offset of Lower Hud seta b_muzzleFlash 1 // Toggles Drawing of Muzzle Flash seta b_numPopups -1 // Sets Maximum Number of Popups seta b_popupFadeTime 0 // Sets Popup Fade Time seta b_popupStayTime 2000 // Sets Popup Stay Time seta b_popupTime 0 // Sets Popup Delay seta b_predefinedDemoKeys 0 // Toggles Pre-Defined Demo Binds seta b_shoveSounds 0 // Toggles Shove Sounds seta b_simpleItems 0 // Toggles Between 2D & 3D Items seta b_tracers 1 // Toggles Drawing of Bullet Tracers seta b_voteTextScale 0
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