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About azertyuiop

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  1. agree. It would make players more aware and hopefully a bit less spammy
  2. Welcome to the forums
  3. I'd limit the bots in being able to pick fop, but not human players tbh. Only one is a bit restrictive if the server is to the fuller side. Is there perhaps an option to limit it based on player count on a team? I.e. 1 if < 7 players, 2 if more (or somethign like that?)
  4. But is a poor distribution of the "necessary" classes a problem that can be fixed this way? Yesterday I saw a game where you have to repair the doors before you can steal 2 boxes of gold (delivery? forgot the exact name, you'll know which one), where 8v8 the allied had 7 engis and one medic... That's simply not a good strategy, and the fact they stayed on that config for quite a while just makes it clear they're not really thinking together as a team. Would that suggestion from you help the cause a lot? Not that sure tbh.
  5. @froggy told me months ago to make an account here and tell myself how much I liked the changes... I kinda forgot to do that, but now I did... I'm quite a big fan of these changes, but some players on the server still don't seem to fully get the role and still play partially rambo style, which is a shame (imho). Anyway, it seems like it's here to stay, so thanks for this lovely update
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