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Honourable Admin
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Everything posted by klants

  1. Thank you guys, hoping to be there
  2. Welcome Michael! I remember you from the many many years back. Nice to see you.
  3. Welcome.
  4. Welcome Marks. Have fun on the servers and on the forum.
  5. Welcome to the site.
  6. Going to Milan for long weekend. See you guys on Tuesday.

  7. Hopefully all of you and your close ones are all okay after the horrific attack against humanity in Brussels.

  8. Congratz Macka for the story! Seems like my poem wasn't cheezy enough :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Slarty


      why would anyone be interested in a sequel to plants not-so-cheesy story? :P Just do it anyway, i was to lazy to read the first one...hehe

    3. Karin


      Yeeee! Gz! Ofc he won because of so colorful characters :P

    4. Macka


      Especially Karin. She was a central character

  9. klants

    Time to vote

    Well this is exciting!
  10. pffffft. Good to include some boning here and there, am I right?
  11. Much love to all of you my friends
  12. Mine is still coming, can we postbone the deadline for few days? Edit. Lol sorry, should have read a bit more above, my bad
  13. This works for me; Movement - wasd Crouch - ctrl Jump - space Sprint - shift Walk - caps lock SMG - number 1/mouse scroll Secondary - number 2 /mouse scroll Syringe - number 4 Kill self - mouse 5 (hardly use it) Prone - x Hang left - q Hang right - e Snipe scope - mouse 4
  14. He has got quite nice structure in his name. Welcome mate.
  15. Going to Japan, Australia, New Zealand and China for a month. Feeling a bit nervous tbh! See you guys next year. Merry xmas and happy new year!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. klants


      Not that much as you would think. Different part of the city has different things, some are very futuristic tho. The place is really clean and everyones' helpfull. Loads of stuff to do, eat and experience :)

    3. miraro3


      Oh nice, will deffo place it on my wish list then ^^

    4. miraro3


      I'm still more into China though ._.

  16. Yup, nsfw section it is.
  17. Panza accuracy competition in Golden dunk ?
  18. Not drunk enough.

    1. StaR


      then keep drinking klantsiii

  19. klants

    Shocking News

    It's a sad day.
  20. klants

    New leader

    Congratulations freaky
  21. Welcome
  22. Welcome to the forums
  23. Welcome to the forums. Stop by at chat too to meet the people out of the server
  24. Np, I didn't check, just suggested to take a look there first
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