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Everything posted by MrMuppet

  1. That's a bit too pretty for him, what an insult to the animal!
  2. I have added you, just confirm in the email sent by clanbase.
  3. If anyone fancies a 3v3 then I'm sure these guys would have a friendly. Full name Radikalis Amputacio.hun Game Homepage http://www.rahun.net IRC #NO IRC CH# Country Hungary Notes Against Haxors since Oct. '05 Reborn and Stonger than Ever! Always Respect your Opponent. A few of us used to play for them when they where short of players and they are still active, they have lost their last 15 matches as well. This could be done through clanbase but members would have to be signed up to it to be able to play. Cropkiller could arrange this if anyone is interested. http://clanbase.ggl.com/claninfo.php?cid=1079711
  4. The following question was asked in a recent poll: 'Are there too many immigrants in Britain?' 21% Said: Yes 17% Said: No 62% Said: ??? ????? ??????? ??????
  5. Lehman Bank employees stage a protest by blockading the entrance to the Bank's Headquarters.
  6. MrMuppet


    Me and mini are on holiday 9th - 24th of October. Let Crop email all members once the details are confirmed.
  7. Delete your baserace_b3a.pk3 file from your etmain folder and download it from the server again when the map is running.
  8. Do you have black and orange squares on the map?
  9. I have removed the map for the time being, it seems every time I check the server the map is running which means the server has been taken off of the map cycle, the normal baserace is still on and in the cycle.
  10. Just activated you Virus.
  11. For those that have not seen it, check out the link and feedback views on the site. http://www.teammuppetclan.com/main/news.php
  12. Now that's a nice topic and its my 500th post
  13. Has anyone played any of the other maps yet?
  14. http://returntocastlewolfenstein.filefront.com/file/MML_Helmsdeep;44683 Think its that one.
  15. new maps added with bot way points; eagles2_a6 karsiah_te2 nemorosus_rc1 resurrection vesuvius and breakout2 without way points.
  16. breakout2_120 has just been released and is on the server but there are no way points for the bots yet so can only be played when there are a few humans on, load via map breakout2 command.
  17. How are the new maps? I still have not played a couple yet, I must say I don't like the lord of the rings one though, that is huge. I see Virus has the new binds working, that may be a topic for you to post, how to bind the new commands with examples of what you are using.
  18. This auto restart tool is now fully functional and runs before 12pm every day. This should stop at server issues.
  19. That's why the sniper maps are not in the rotation, you will have to reset the bots when they start a new map.
  20. Still thinking of using the military one, that is all done in flash though that's why it takes along time. Mini does the flash and I do the static pages so we have to work on it at the same time. I think the e107 software is far superior to any cms software I have used, it makes webspell look basic and with the amount of plug ins available, what you can host on a site is endless. We shall keep at it.
  21. Check this out, http://www.teammuppetclan.com/main/news.php Please feedback.
  22. Gosh, best not say any thing nasty about the Welsh and their love of sheep or perhaps they may track me down and thrash me will a leg of lamb.
  23. Put most of those maps on in a new map cycle, they should all redirect download at full speed, if not let me know and I'll upload them again. Yep, sorry, was just uploading maps and changing cfg, should be ok now.
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