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Everything posted by MrMuppet

  1. Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  2. Hello SuperDomeDome, Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Please join our Dicord channel at discord.teammuppet.com SuperDomeDome joined on the 07/07/2022. View Member
  3. Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  4. Hello Malien_PL, Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Please join our Dicord channel at discord.teammuppet.com Malien_PL joined on the 07/03/2022. View Member
  5. Hi, this looks like a windows server? I've not ran a game server on windows for about 15 years, is the executable you are using 32bit? is the absolute path to the etnam dll correct? as your directory states \ETLegacy\etnam\
  6. Hello Andrewss, Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Please join our Dicord channel at discord.teammuppet.com Andrewss joined on the 07/01/2022. View Member
  7. Hi, ETNam is a stand alone mod just like nitmod, legacy, etpub etc, you need to create a new directory say etnam and copy the pk3 files from Etnam mod - TeamMuppet into there with a server.cfg, change your start line to point to the etnam directory and execute your server.cfg
  8. Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  9. Hello wings, Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Please join our Dicord channel at discord.teammuppet.com wings joined on the 06/29/2022. View Member
  10. Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  11. Hello KrazyKanuck, Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Please join our Dicord channel at discord.teammuppet.com KrazyKanuck joined on the 06/25/2022. View Member
  12. Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  13. Hello Gramp, Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Please join our Dicord channel at discord.teammuppet.com Gramp joined on the 06/25/2022. View Member
  14. Hello dimitri, Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Please join our Dicord channel at discord.teammuppet.com dimitri joined on the 06/22/2022. View Member
  15. Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  16. Hello nlSpeer, Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Please join our Dicord channel at discord.teammuppet.com nlSpeer joined on the 06/20/2022. View Member
  17. Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  18. Hello lbe10, Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Please join our Dicord channel at discord.teammuppet.com lbe10 joined on the 06/10/2022. View Member
  19. Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  20. Hello R4INDROPZzz, Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Please join our Dicord channel at discord.teammuppet.com R4INDROPZzz joined on the 06/06/2022. View Member
  21. Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  22. Hello ZUBL1K, Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Please join our Dicord channel at discord.teammuppet.com ZUBL1K joined on the 06/08/2022. View Member
  23. Hello lostarkgoldigv, Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Please join our Dicord channel at discord.teammuppet.com lostarkgoldigv joined on the 06/08/2022. View Member
  24. Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  25. Hello deathslayer, Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Please join our Dicord channel at discord.teammuppet.com deathslayer joined on the 06/05/2022. View Member
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