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Everything posted by bartmen

  1. bartmen

    help with proxy

    or the files: teammuppet_20140808.pk3 + etpubc-20140820.pk3
  2. bartmen

    help with proxy

    all i need is the server ip where the files are hosted to add to the tool
  3. bartmen

    help with proxy

    cant find these files in the teammupet download sections, maps i can just download through trackbase
  4. bartmen

    help with proxy

    Need to stay longer in the hospital, eagle tryed to help me connecting to the server by using putty (wifi wont let me join gaming servers) I can connect to the server by using pingbuster (had to manualy fill in the ip) but it wont let me download files on connection, i can add the maps manual but cant find the nightlybuild & the 20140820 pk3.s any tips? im borred as heck
  5. Shouf divide iT in 2 half for the Father half for the Son so only 500.000 to go 😄 Congrats though
  6. You can see it to /serverstatus shows same xp behind à player as the one hè specs.
  7. bartmen

    ehhh lol

    so your only moderator by name?
  8. bartmen

    ehhh lol

    btw can some one delete or edit the post where nick posts his actual etkey before some one does use it
  9. bartmen

    ehhh lol

    1) Start ET and click play online 2) Click enable punkbuster 3) connect to the server
  10. bartmen

    ehhh lol

    make sure punkbuster is enabled, dont remmember if you can join server while it is not
  11. He played almost every match in the last TM cup
  12. Avi as backup, started the proces of building a new house, so very hectic atm.
  13. I like blue shoes more, but what the heck, welcome back
  14. bartmen

    Oopsie config

    do a /cvar_restart then exec a good config
  15. Havent been real active last few months so didnt get to know you so i didnt vote, people who did voten had theyre reasons Dunno if you did but best way to get. to know people is in forum chat lot of Members like to play and not chat ingame but use forum or TS for it Cya ingame Bart
  16. bartmen


    the problem when using a low detailed cg, is you can only see the tiny crosshair sharp with seta r_textureMode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"
  17. bartmen


    seta r_textureMode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"
  18. bartmen


    Best would-be to use à separate mic. And any normal headset would do if its not €5
  19. can my lag be cause of the 2nd hop?
  20. For me its THE same as around my bans period cant get. Stable fps movement is jerky ping is chansing THE whole time. ITS fine on the other servers just ND where its off tryed default & old configs but dient work Will try & reinstall etpub totday without the new etpub version maybe that helps
  21. While you are ingame open taskmamager & kill THE pb services no need to run them Also look for other processes using alot of cpu
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