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Everything posted by shockwave

  1. aka LoCoMoTiVe

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MagWAR


      nice to see you back buddy :)

    3. MagWAR


      message one of the recruiters if you want to come back but fair enough if you wish to do your own thing

    4. shockwave


      i will maggie atm im on a 1 way trip to the top again ;)

  2. merry christmas Shockwave
  3. iphone 4
  4. ok thx for help harald never knew that there was a cmd for it Shockwave
  5. hello i have a problem with taking screenshot if i press "print screen button in game and after that i open paint and do "shift insert" i get a screenshot of my desktop background , anybody knows how to fix it.? thx for help, Shockwave
  6. windows 7 64x here. Shockwave
  7. shockwave

    name cycle

    i know that's sucks a bit but it works Shockwave
  8. shockwave

    name cycle

    no problem have fun with it,like virus says that's correct only 1 problem is that i dont know how to bind /exec name.cfg in the cfg so u dont need to type it every time u connect again or like to have another color name. Shockwave
  9. shockwave

    name cycle

    wel u made a list with names right? and u bind 2 keys,1 for scrolling in name list and 1 for name use.for example u made 5 names, u hit the key that u bind for scrolling in your names list 5 times then u get the 5 th name,after u hit the other bind key your name is set. if u have 5 names in your cfg,everytime u hit the scroll bind key u see that name u entered in your cfg in your console so u know which name u get. if u know what i mean if u dont i wil send u pm in dutch. greetz Shockwave
  10. shockwave

    name cycle

    ok no problem. Shockwave
  11. shockwave

    name cycle

    no problem only thing i cant fix is that every time you disconnect/connect you need to type in console /exec name.cfg dont know how to bind it that it start 1 time and keep working after disconnect/connect maybe someone knows and can add it here? Shockwave
  12. shockwave

    name cycle

    here i have a name change config for u : put it in your etmain to change it open it in the progam: Word save it as: name.cfg everywhere u find <=TM=>Shockwave u can put your own name with own colors u can add more sentens on it as much u like. on top u find to bind button u can change them to every button u like now the are , and . 1 is to scroll in your names other 1 is to set your name . start config in console with: /exec name.cfg name.txt if u have questions i will hear it from u. Shockwave
  13. that is awesome keep up the good work greetz Shockwave
  14. Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and I thought to myself, where the heck is the ceiling.

  15. why I making the same mistake everytime,while there is plenty of choice! :P

  16. why I making the smae mistake everytime,while there is plenty of choice! :P

  17. why i making the the same mistakes everytime,while there is plenty of choice ! :P

  18. She wants to travel around the world,I downloaded google earth ;)

  19. She wants to travel around the world,I downloaded google earth ;)

  20. She wants to travel around the world,I downloaded google erth ;)

  21. She wants to travel around the world,I downloaded google erth ;)

  22. she wan't to travel around the world,I installed google earth ! ;)

  23. - There are four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was asked to do it. Everybody was sure Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it but Nobody realised that Everybody wouldn’t do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done

    1. hijack


      my brain is so fucking up right now. I...ge..t......errors....o.f...some .......kind .... wzzzzzzzwoooow ___^___^___^________________ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

    2. Stumpel
    3. shockwave
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