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Everything posted by gr33nsho3s

  1. i am available today and tomorrow, i think i should be free tomorrow anyway...
  2. I cant do it on sunday, its my sisters birthday
  3. well having said about wanting it i dont think my PC can run it :? because i get this problem and i tried everything with the demo and there is no more help i can use. so i think i cant get it from you.
  4. cool, do you have XFIRE? because if you do you could send me the installation thingy over it with out shipping it out to england.
  5. BTW this is for donald. Earlier you said about me having your ETQW and was wandering if you meant it
  6. ohhh i nearly forgot! i want to know when our first match is, and if you could tell me it would be great!
  7. sorry for the late post i must have missed it! anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  8. ok sounds good but am i in charlie team?
  9. ok thanks
  10. its a yes from me hes really nice in-game and is good at playing too
  11. welcome sniper wolf happy that you might be in clan as i played with you alot and you are awesome
  12. I am in and i represent BRITAIN! fly the flag! OH BRITANNIA , BRITAANIA RULES THE WAVES sorry im hyper today
  13. another late, HAPPY BIRTHDAY
  14. happy birthday
  15. sorry for the late reply! BUT! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! 18! yeah! woo!
  16. what is the TM cup? and how do i join?
  17. cool i might try tomorrow
  18. is it back up yet because i would like to see if i can play that one for a change rather than jaymod because i know some of you guys who havent seen me yet are always on that one and i cant get on, so if it is up i will try to connect with you guys and we can frag eachother sometime
  19. when its properly finished we should make <=TM=> in it lol, but yeah hopefully i get in the new beta i signed up for!
  20. well technically not guitar hero, but i have rockband on the WII which is awesome i recommend getting it as it is ownage!
  21. thanks man! you werent on for very long last night lol
  22. good news! im in yay! hope to play with you guys soon, if your on at the same time as me
  23. lol that green arse thing made me laugh for a little while , ah im so immature!
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