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Everything posted by gr33nsho3s

  1. thanks guys! you might not have seen me anyway, because you were probably on no quarter server hope to frag you guys soon (btw am i in <=TM=>? )
  2. woo go us brits! YAY
  3. hey guys, just wanted to post just to say hi to all the other <=TM=> members i havent spoken too yet! In game im gr33nsho3s so if you ever see ,me on your server please say hi, i like chatting to people on games otherwise i get a little bored because im talkative well yeah , HI!
  4. All of those things in the list is what i will do and no im not Belgian im english
  5. hi its me gr33nsho3s and i was wandering if i could join the clan! Im now a regular on your jaymod server and i love it, its pure pwnage! in the list of things you have to do to join , i will do all of them, i will never cheat and i never have done. i will say hi and bye when people leave, just basically all of them hopefully soon i will become the newest member in the awesome clan that is <=TM=>!
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