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Smurfer last won the day on August 20 2016

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About Smurfer

  • Birthday 12/02/1979

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    Sex & drugs & rock'n'roll

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  1. Sorry for not being there, Micha. I would have loved it.
  2. My gawd what a relic etpro is. No g_fear. Useless. I guess it's an image thing. Well, at least a selfkill counts as a death on 2.60. And what is up with depriving the Engineer of his Landmines??? are you kewl pro medics really that afraid of an engi??? It amputates the covert as much as the engi. Give me etmain any day. IMO. [/rant]
  3. I will say again for the record, I strongly disagree with removing heavy fire on capturable spawns. Please consider that yes it will make some players stop crying, but it will also make other players start crying. Remember how it went with RASHONOM and the limit on selfkills? Please, people like the server ...because of how it is...because it's ET, not some kindergarden or whatever... It's a game, and this game was built that way. That's my opinion - > AKA IMO.
  4. In general I think Allied should have the next player; so the game can progress. And not stall. Of course, when you have all the well-known killers [chronic axis medic frag-raters] on one team, then all that stops at once. I used to ban some of them. Those [..."sharks"...] that would rape my server, and even talk shit to me. Of course I would ban them.
  5. do !lol
  6. I disagree, Mini. You can not see a panzer or flamer if he is hiding on the roof or at the MG. You get out before your spawn-invulnerability wears off. I think spawn-protection scripts would be ideal for TM. I'm talking about the ones that put a "roof" on spawns.
  7. I see nothing wrong with mortaring the AT-guns on Oasis. Axis should send someone behind enemy lines. Maybe get one of those spawn-protection scripts instead of disabling it. Lots of players will start crying (I will do it in silence) if you disable it. Also consider that if someone like Chelsea or harald is on the mortar, well then they aren't out there medic'ing or riflenading.
  8. That poll is closed, m8. I didn't even get to vote. I wish I did. Then I would 100% have spoken my opinion there.
  9. How am I not allowed to state my opinion here?? I see lots of opinions here? What did I miss?
  10. You should not have been rejected IMO. Tip: say "Happy b-day!!!" in all happy birthday threads. Maybe also randomly say "goat" some 5 - 500 times a day in any chat-constellation.
  11. Awesome poster.
  12. Dethklok ruuuules!!!! *cuts throat*

  13. I always go to my ET install folder, locate ET.exe, right-click it -> "Add shortcut", then right-click the new shortcut->click "properties", click the "Shortcut" tab, locate "Target" field, add stuff here. Pull shortcut out to desktop or where ever, rename it to "MyUberShortcut". My "target" line looks like this: D:\Wolf260\ET.exe +connect +set r_mode "-1" +set r_customwidth "1600" +set r_customheight "1200" +set r_displayRefresh 85 "+connect" takes me straight to the etpub server. Slightly more carbon-cut than above quote.
  14. Because they never played 20 vs 20 on any of those mods. AFAIK there are way more code in jaymod, nitmod, silent than in etpub. There are most of the etpub code and then their own additions, including sql databases, more weapons, more skill levels.
  15. etpro is a mod

    1. Slarty


      There is no spoon...

    2. Macka


      This is a status update

    3. Lynx


      This is my senselles comment ;)

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