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About gb-g0oS3

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  1. HAPPY BDAY M8!!
  2. Hey Mrmuppet, The game lets me on any other server, just wen i try to get onto our jaymod, i cant. Same error message every time.
  3. I cant get onto the jaymod server anymore. Itll load the map, but then the game goes to the main menu and the error message i get is 'disconnected for unknown reason' Ive tried to reinstall the whole game but no luck as yet. Any advise would be most helpul. Thanks <=TM=>Goose
  4. Im not sure if hes a pain in the ass but im yet to be convinced. We'll see next month.....
  5. played wiv shadow quite a bit and hes a gud laugh and a gud team playa. =]
  6. Im sry to say that even after all of ur help, the etpro server still isnt workin for me. it still says improper et.exe files...... i dont know what to do!!!
  7. U can do sum crazy ass things while your bored as u can let your imagination run wild!!!! Yesterday, i was in school and i was doin chemistry......(it gets more intersting) We got sum washin up liquid, pumped methane into the liquid collected bubbles from the top, and then we set fire to our own hands, the flames went 'bout 6ft up in the air, it was one of the coolest things i'd ever seen.... Anyway what imaginative things can u think of when ur bored............... <=TM=>[T]Goose
  8. alrite, i'll try that thx all of u 4 the help!!
  9. Sorry virus i alredy got it and the fact of the matter is, it didnt work, it cums up with the same message. Thx 4 the suggestion though.....
  10. I got a little problem with the etpro server...... I cant get onto it, when it awaits the gamestate it come back onto the menu screen and says "improper et.exe version" Just wanted to know whether any of u guys can offer sum help.
  11. Must admit, i do play rather alot of Americas Army, i got a clan on there 2 =P
  12. Hey guys, following on from the mobiles, just curios to know what kinda cars u guys got (this is because im a huge petrol head and thought.... why not) I got a silver Vauxhall astra 1.6 , i no not great. So what u guys got?
  13. I got a Sony ericsonn k800i thats gettin that 4 reasons i cant seem to fathem, its keeps eating itself so i really do need a new one soon . =P
  14. Alrite cheers m8!!! (btw, like the welcome smiley!)
  15. Im Jake, im 15 and.... Hey guys, great server!!!Ive played with alot of u b4 already, and if u go 2 my other post then you'll see how i ended up playin' on this wicked server. So im lookin forward to playin with u all and becoming a <=TM=>member!!!!! Cheers!!!
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