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Posts posted by Dexter

  1. had connection interrupted actually, then I was thrown away from the game. When tried to re-join the connecting timer kept going on. After a while I was able to join again and other players connected back as well because it happened to them also.

    Map was the same.


    Every time It happened I tried connecting to pub and it had no problems there.

  2. So my issue is this: When I play, my Et freezes for like a half second and then it keeps going like nothing happened. Really annoys me when I'm in the middle of a battle and suddenly a lag spike / freeze and I see myself dead :D


    My fps doesn't drop or my ping doesnt go up at all when that happens, so I don't really know why is that.

    I have a new internet now so my ping is smooth + I tried rebooting computer, et client and I made sure I don't have any virus scans running.


    Does anyone else have this problem or do you know what would help ?




  3. So yeah,

    Dexter's last season starts 30th June and personally I feel very sad that my favourite show goes to it's end.


    I have a question to all you other Dexter fans / viewers:


    How is it going to end ?


    1. Is he going to die ?

    How will he die ?


    2. Is he maybe going to jail ?

    Confessing, getting caught or maybe Deb busts him after all ?


    3. Is his true nature going to stay a secret ?

    And will he keep killing ?


    4. Is somebody important character going to die so Dexter's secret lasts ?

    If so, who ?


    5. Does Debra find her Dark passenger ?

    Or does she stay a ''good'' person even she shot Laguerta ?


    6. Do you think Dex and Deb will fall in love after all ?


    7. Something else will happen ?




    Please, share your thoughts :D


    I personally can't even imagine how it's going to end...

  4. Okay so this has been happening a few times now.

    When I log in, I have some strange marks in my concole ( I should take a picture maybe ) which looks like a coding error.

    It's all fine until map changes or I type something to console, the game crashes and logs back in automatically. When I'm back, I don't have my TM tags and I have to re-write them and so on.

    What should I do ? Save my guid and re-install the game ?

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