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Everything posted by DarkMan

  1. At the moment I'm playing FF13... It's kinda addictive and the graphics are awesome. I occasionally play Uncharted 2 and Assassin's Creed 2. Assassin's Creed 1 was too repetitive and boring but the second one was much more pleasant experience. Pretty soon I'm gonna get Episodes from Liberty City for GTA4.
  2. Thanks! (Thx Maddy for notifying me. ) I'll try to be more active here from now on and maybe I'll come to play someday too. Been just quite busy lately.
  3. I might be back too... probably. Have been a bit busy lately but now I have time.
  4. Happy B-day, Donny!
  5. Happy Birthday! A bit late but anyways.
  6. Happy Birthday!
  7. Happy Birthday!
  8. Yea, CSS could be fun. I've played it a few times with Maddeh.
  9. I have Nokia 6120 classic.
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. Happy Birthday!
  12. Happy Birthday, Goofy.
  13. Happy Birthday!
  14. Happy Birthday!
  15. Happy B-day, Miraro!
  16. Heey... wait for me! :mrgreen:
  17. Happy Birthday, Virus!
  18. Maybe no life but at least healthier no-life then.
  19. Yep, no girls but women.
  20. Same here. :mrgreen:
  21. Lol, no. It's blue-ish white, but the light makes it look like pink.
  22. Here is mine.
  23. Lol, no I'm not a woman.
  24. Haha, they are hilarious. The last one...
  25. If someone shoots from the spawn, then you can kill him and it's not spawnkilling then, I think.
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