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Everything posted by DarkMan

  1. We surely do know.
  2. LoL Luckily not one of my hobbies. :mrgreen:
  3. Yep, I changed my password, too.
  4. Lol I didn't know I was Latvian.
  5. Glider would be fun. I haven't played it in ages.
  6. Yea, true.
  7. Haha, lol
  8. Happy Birthday! Have fun!
  9. Happy B-day, Rob! Have fun!
  10. Don't read it then. It's not so easy to spell if one is not native speaker.
  11. Happy Birthday, Sanna!! :mrgreen:
  12. I voted yes, of course!! :ugeek:
  13. Yees! We are counting on you Maddy.
  14. Actually he has told us about it already.
  15. DarkMan


    I love your avatar, Gossamer. Very nice.
  16. DarkMan


    Wow, nice one!
  17. DarkMan


    Nightwish 8-)
  18. DarkMan


    Nice, there is one finnish band at rockwerchter. 8-)
  19. Happy Birthday Donny!!! 8-) :mrgreen:
  20. Happy birthday!! Have a nice one! 8-)
  21. DarkMan


    I didn't deny that PS3 has problems, but Xbox has problems, too. And I heard the problem with PS3, when it's not loading the saves, is easy to fix. And I really don't care about the DLC. PS3 has faster load times and less graphical glitches. And what does it matter if the game was delayed because of PS3. At least they got more time to make the game even better than it was already.
  22. DarkMan


    I heard that they have even more problems with Xbox. I don't have any problems with GTA4. It's actually quite easy to get money because you get 250 000 in one mission. And yea, I don't think it was delayed because of PS3, but because they wanted to make a great game and be sure there are no a lot of bugs and glitches.
  23. I thought they said that it's very doubtful that they're gonna release it on pc. At least they haven't confirmed it anywhere.
  24. I've been in Liberty City a couple of days now. :roll: 8-)
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