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Posts posted by Jessica

  1. Knardo, first of all, I have a great live because I love life and I love everybody.

    No need to tell that I hate you.


    When I look at your history, your numbers of GUID's , your number of different names, and the number of warns and bans you have, I can confirm : Server is better of without you.
    So whoever banned you 99 years made a good decision.

  2. Hi nobodyforbudmine.


    Can you tell me on what server you are banned ?

    I am happy to tell you that you are not banned on our most popular server ETL1 with this name nobodyforbudmine

  3. Nigero,

    We have a lot of cheaters and abusers and we need to be able to find people, even when they are offline.


    When you want to play with an unrecognisable name like qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq or kgjdjfdf  you make it very hard for admins to catch cheaters, not saying you are one.

    So we have to make sure we recognise you next time, and with a kick we have a history to recognise you.


    About other players, when we search a name, it will give all result where that name is part of, so if someone uses i.e. name tpl it would give thousnads of hits, because its part of eTPLayer. The names you mention doesn't have that problem.


    All we ask is to play with a recognisable name, and this forum is for discussion, not in game. So, no drama needed.


    • Like 2
  4. Hi nigero,

    If qqqqqqqqqqq is that unique, you have been warned before on 21th july of this year.

    So, either the name is not very unique, or you have been warned before.
    The reason for kick is to build history in loggings, because you have nothing else unique.

    No reason to come back with a name like Shitheads. You could have renamed and just play with a normal, recognisable name.




    Other player you mention are very recognisable, they do use 1 IP address which you apparently do not do, and their names are unique.

    Furthermore, it is a mystery whu you accuse Ebo.


    • Like 1
  5. In general, I agree. ( Afterall its a trial, and we can always go back )


    We can add a comment they have to fill in why they call the vote.

    I rather see it from level 3 and higher


    And we can advertise : You have more options as from level 3, like you can call Vote : Kick ( Only do it with valide reason )

    When we see people abusing this vote option, players will get set back to level 2

    • Like 8
  6. Hi Popper, did you ever read the spam while playing ?


    If not, here it is so you can read it :

    - !! .Spawnkill is not allowed at all. !!
    - !! Server will auto kick as fail safe. !!
    - !! However, you can also get a kick from a 3rd SK warning in 1 day, or too many SKs in a week.!!!
    - !! Too many kicks will result in a 7 day ban !!!

    Please apply above text on a player with below history.

    What would you do ?







    • Sad 1
  7. I will help you with the rules.

    With other heavy you have to show yourself, and enemy is able kill / snipe you.
    With mortar you can hide in your own spawn and just keep shooting 

    For that reason mortar is always treated as special.

    Whenever you hit someone in the spawn area, eben with only a small amount of damage, you shoot to close to spawn.
    If you shoot too close you run the risk of being penalized.

    Actually just like everything in real life if you push the boundaries. You could also choose to go for safe.

    • Like 1
  8. Most is already spoken. Just lets make 1 thing clear Muxer, it is nothing personal against you.

    When I see a warn, I do a history scan, and I do it in the open. People always see me type the !search, so you KNOW I will check history, and I am sure you have see me doing it manytimes with other players too

    Punishment is always done by history, never personal.


    And one personal note for you : When you play on the edges, you certainly know that you will get over the limit sometimes ( Many times in your case ) and dont whine when you get punished for it, just take it like a man :)


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