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  1. HAL

    Thursday Event lets meet

    Great! I´ll be there.
  2. HAL

    sk guy

    Who is this guy Tumude, estonian player, doing sk all the time. No admin present. I am not amused.
  3. Hal is back!

    I was luckly able to restore my old game-datas. So Hal is back on battleground.

  4. Where is Hal?

    Some player maybe have noticed, that Hal is vanished in the last weeks. Is there an explanation? Yes.

    My old PC is broken, so I bought a new one. What means new OS, new installation of all software, and new installation of ET. So I started all over again playing ET with new Profil. I will keep Hal in good memory. Dave Bowman was the Astronaut, who dismantled Hal. And that´s what I did.

    1. VenoM



    2. P3Swan
  5. Why i am playing ET


    Why the fu*k (sorry for this expression) i am playing ET since 2012 on the nodownload-server of Team Muppet? I must confess, I haven´t the faintest idea. What ist going wrong with me? Why have i spended so much time here? I know, most of the players on this server are in an age between 16 – 25 years old. And i am 54 years old.

    So what´s wrong with me? I really don´t know. Ok, most of the players could be my sons or daughters. And in real life i haven´t children. Is it this? I don´t know. Maybe a bit, but much more important is that, what my wife is saying to me: you are such a child! Oh blimey! Thats right. I am such a child in a body of a middle-age-man (ok maybe a old man). And that´s maybe the reason why i am looking to play with you all. In real life i am working as a

    Graduate Educator with young people. It´s a kind of job-training. We have a special kind of professional training for jobs in germany, in german we call it “Berufsausbildung”. It last 3 years at all. And it´s my job to find companies for the young people where they can learn the job. So I am every day in contact with many young people to give them a training for job-finding. Maybe I am enjoing to play therefore with you. But that´s not all. ET is such a amazing game. I learned so much about life in it, and I met so much interesting young people from all over the world. That´s so interessting for me! So I think, it´s all of a bit. - Ah, before I forget: naturally I also like (sometimes) to kick your ass!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Charlie


      Yeah we have a few older people playing on the server. I don't even think you're the oldest? I won't name names :D 

    3. Macka


      Well Jesus is 2017 years old for a start! You're a spring chicken by comparison :)

      I can kind of relate to your words. I'm not quite 54 (29 soon to be 30!) but I started playing ET at 16 when it first came out. I've gone from being a freshie to being in the older age bracket of players I'm sure. There is something really alluring about ET and the Team Muppet servers. At times I have thought to myself 'Right you're twenty something now, time to grow up and stop playing games. ' But I can't quit :D I hope you're still here when you;re 84 HAL :)

    4. HAL


      Well, i will try my best :pleasantry:

  6. HAL has been dismantled. 

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