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    To the head

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  1. Vote looks good...
  2. I dont know is this the right place for this but i didnt find other So other clans have usually baserace server but TeamMuppet dont have so i think TeamMuppet BaseRace would be nice. So is it possible make server like that? I asked some players about that and they thought it would be nice.
  3. So, I have 1366x768 resolutio on my screen and i cant get ET to same resoluutio. I cant found eny same resolutio from screendriver and ET can someone help me? thx
  4. Try to use some another program: fraps or xfire
  5. i try these.
  6. i reinstal my windows and et sametime and now i dont have xpsave i have that old etkey but it dont work!!! help me!
  7. ok kiitti määkin lataan ton mikä sul oli sit ku mun f-secure lisenssi loppuu ajoin tollasen cd:n joka tuli koneen mukana nii tuli tehdas asetukset ja toi näyttis takas ja kone toimii nyt 1000x paremmin! thx!
  8. for smirre(finish): sanoot että ad-ohjailta ei ole asennettu laitteeseen tai se on vahingoittunu kun avaa jonkun tolla amd ohjelman!!
  9. i cannot found enything from that hp pupport thig can you help me?
  10. I deleted firts amd...thing then i restart, then i instal that file from link, then restart, then sameproblen no et start and when i open ati catalyst control thing it says no amd driver installed... can i just delete that and thing and play whit out that ?
  11. i test that hopely i dont destoroy my computer...
  12. thanks smirre i try this hopely it work or my 900e computer is shit now...
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