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Download pk3 name: maccupiccu_b2.pk3

Map name: maccupiccu_b2.bsp

Author(s): Necrom@ncer FR



Allies need to steal the two symbols (sun and moon) and secure it on the truck stationed on the allies spawn.


Basic Information


Author : Necrom@ncer FR


Map Information

Game : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

 Title : maccupiccu_beta2

 Filename : maccupiccu_b2.pk3

 Map name for campaign : maccupiccu_b2

 Release date : 08.02.2009


Objective :



Allies need to steal the two symbols (sun and moon) and secure it on the truck stationed on the allies spawn.
History of the map :
Maccupiccu is based on real photo for constructing house, pyramid, temple. And the anime film Mysterious City Of Gold.

What change on the beta2 :
- Reduced the area left and right from the city for direct gameplay.

- Deleted the Sewers access way.

- Alies spawn transfered in mountain two way for attacking the city, main door from alies spawn and one way for accessing on valley.

- Axis spawn and access simplified.

- Alies spawn door is locked for axis team include covop.

- Axis spawn door are locked for alies team include covop. (include on the beta1)

- Fixed heavy FPS loose on some zone from map.

- Secret way are modified.

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