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About This File

Title:          Warring Gods
File:           warringgods_final.pk3
Version:        Final

Release date: September 2011

Author: Tardis
Email address: dbjones80@btinternet.com

Website 1:     http://www.wix.com/dbjones80/tardis-informatick
Website 2:     http://www.dbjonescomputers.co.uk

Location: Libya / Egypt

Description : The Axis or the Allies are guarding a hoard of gold, Steal Seven crates of Gold from the Allies or the Axis


// Allies Objective Descriptions

"Primary Objective: Secure Seven crates of Gold to the Axis Gold Store. Primary Objective: Stop the Axis from stealing the Gold from the Allied Mint." "Primary Objective: Stop the Axis from Securing the Gold." "Primary Objective: Steal Seven crates of Gold."
"Secondary Objective:** Build Allies Ladder." "Secondary Objective:**Stop the Axis From Destroying The Ladder." "Secondary Objective: Stop the Axis From Building The Ladder." "Secondary Objective: Destroy Axis Ladder."


// Axis Objective Descriptions

"Primary Objective: Stop the Allies from Securing the Gold." "Primary Objective: Steal Seven crates of Gold.  "Primary Objective: Secure Seven crates of Gold to the Allies Gold Store." "Primary Objective: Stop the Allies from stealing the Gold from the Axis Mint." "Secondary Objective:**Stop the Allies From Building The Ladder." "Secondary Objective: Destroy Allies Ladder.  "Secondary Objective: Build Axis Ladder." "Secondary Objective: Stop the Allies From Destroying The Ladder."


base: From ctf_dkswarringgods :author = no author A Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast Map reworked and redesigned for ET.

editor: GTK Radiant 1.5
build time: about 16 weeks.

compile settings:
BSP: -meta -vis -light -fast -filter -samples 2 -bounce 8

Final compile time: 30 mins.

New :

Sky Box
Lifts Both Teams
Ladders (Water Area's)
Constructible Ladders Both Teams
Water Fix
Egypt Lamp (Main Area)
Wodden Lamps
Limbo Cam's
-Vis Fixes


Sky Box - New bespin_skybox See :bespin_skybox.shader
Objective Icon - FireFly
Egypt Lamp - Arcana (Robbie Powell)
Help - Mateos & Splashdamage Forum: Editing Wolf: ET

Distribution / Permissions

This is a Final of this map and may not be modified in anyway as to appear as a completed map by anyone else other than the author.

You May Not decompile the BSP as a base to build additional levels. You May Use Any Items From This Map As Prefabs, Textures and/ or Models, as long as credit is given (Tardis)

This file may not be commercially exploited in any way.

Thanks Tardis

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