About This File
==; MP - Beach Invasion ;==
Basic information
Author: Nerve
Release date: 2004-02-10
Filename: mp_beach.pk3
Program: GTK-Radiant
Map information
Game: Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory
Original Map and Design by Nerve
Long name: MP - Beach Invasion
Short name: mp_beach
Map time: 20 minutes
Place the et_beach.pk3 in your *instaldiretmain folder, select it from the multiplayer->create
server menu or bring down the console and type: map mp_beach. The in zip file included et_beach_bobota1.pk3 is only needed 4 BoBot Alpha 1 Support
It is like the legendary original Map from RTCW , the objectives and design has not changed.
Allied forces are attempting to steal top secret war documents from an Axis beach
installation and transmit it to her base.
*Destroy the Sea Wall
*Steal the War Documents
*Transmit the War Documents
*Capture the Forward Bunker
*Destroy the Side Entrance
*Construct a Command Post
Defend the Sea Wall
*Defend the War Documents
*Stop the Allies from Transmitting
*Hold the Forward Bunker
*Defend the Side Entrance
*Construct a Command Post
Changes since 1.0
- Mapname changed 2 et_beach
- Beach texture changed
- Terrain failure fixed
- Missing doc-board texture added
- Light-Bug fixed
- BoBot Alpha1 support added (et_beach_bobota1.pk3)
- 9-Map Campaign file removed
Special thanks
Thanks to Gray Matters for their Beach Invasion map in Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
(The original Map can be tested in the MP-Demo!)
Thanks to SplashDamage for their mapping documentation and their support in the forum.
(Disable the "complain after friendly mine" in the next patch
Thanks to ID Software for their engine and their support in community.
2002 Nerve,
2003 SplashDamage and
Activision. All rights reserved!
You may electronically distribute this file freely as long as this readme file is included and that
no fee is payed by the reciever.
==; MP - Beach Invasion ;==
Basic information
Author: Nerve
Release date: 2004-02-10
Filename: mp_beach.pk3
Program: GTK-Radiant
Map information
Game: Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory
Original Map and Design by Nerve
Long name: MP - Beach Invasion
Short name: mp_beach
Map time: 20 minutes
Place the et_beach.pk3 in your *instaldiretmain folder, select it from the multiplayer->create
server menu or bring down the console and type: map mp_beach. The in zip file included et_beach_bobota1.pk3 is only needed 4 BoBot Alpha 1 Support
Map Description
It is like the legendary original Map from RTCW , the objectives and design has not changed.
Allied forces are attempting to steal top secret war documents from an Axis beach
installation and transmit it to her base.
Map Objectives
Allied objectives:
*Destroy the Sea Wall
*Steal the War Documents
*Transmit the War Documents
*Capture the Forward Bunker
*Destroy the Side Entrance
*Construct a Command Post
Axis objectives:
Defend the Sea Wall
*Defend the War Documents
*Stop the Allies from Transmitting
*Hold the Forward Bunker
*Defend the Side Entrance
*Construct a Command Post
Changes since 1.0
- Mapname changed 2 et_beach
- Beach texture changed
- Terrain failure fixed
- Missing doc-board texture added
- Light-Bug fixed
- BoBot Alpha1 support added (et_beach_bobota1.pk3)
- 9-Map Campaign file removed
Special thanks
Thanks to Gray Matters for their Beach Invasion map in Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
(The original Map can be tested in the MP-Demo!)
Thanks to SplashDamage for their mapping documentation and their support in the forum.
(Disable the "complain after friendly mine" in the next patch

Thanks to ID Software for their engine and their support in community.

You may electronically distribute this file freely as long as this readme file is included and that
no fee is payed by the reciever.