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About This File

******** Information on Erdenberg Greater Access ********
Authors: Pinn
Release dates: V1: 15/12/2023
V2: 24/12/2023
V3: 08/01/2023
V4: 15/01/2023 maybe

Email: etmapping@pinickitty.co.uk

******** Map information ********

"The axis are holding a small town of Erdenberg as one of their headquarters.
With the power of two Flak88 cannons they are shooting down the Allies
supply planes. The Allies are now sending a special crew to disable the
enemy cannons and take over the town in order to continue their battle."



>Flag > Main Gate > Flak88 cannons East and West
> Command Post
> Axis West Flak Spawn Flag and Constructible Door
> Health and Ammo Cabinets West Flak


Allies are attacking.

******** Tools used ********

GTKRadiant 1.5
NetRadiant Custom
Topaz Gigapixels image upscaler
Notepad ++

******** Textures used models ********

Majority of textures are from t2 but were upscaled manually by 2x using Topaz.

Some new textures added from open source texture packs or in the case of the doors from praetoria M1. I just loved the look
with only a slight colour change.

Models and some textures were also obtained from the Teuthing mapping source pack.

******** Changes from T2 included changes in both V1 and V2 of greater access ********

Sky changed to horizon sky and was downgraded to a smaller size in V2 using Topaz. Took approx 10mb off the compressed pk3 file size in V2.

removed entity func_leaky

made triggers for both guns smaller to prevent trick plants. new area defined with a decal.

created a new area on level 1 of the buildings surrounding East Flak including new ladders and a staircase.

most existing doors made accessible mainly to axis/cvops

replaced fence near west flak with brush models.

All windows made explodable.

Near route between Axis second spawn and main gate added.
spawn point added in new route
small area behind new route added
explodable/constructible added to new route
ammo health added to room below axis new spawn
door added on new route.

bunker on west flak made a fully functioning room

added small ledge under top windows overlooking westflak

added mg42 in bunker near allied first spawn
added mushrooms

added flag above main gate

added a room and door under the new staircase near eastflak

redesigned outside and inside of garage to make it higher and larger with a new functioning door added
outside of garage now matches inside.

added brush model as wooden explodable near west flak hole in wall

******** Changes made in V3 of greater access ********

added new route from garage to first floor east flak
moved mg42 on allied spawn to face gate
added some more mushrooms and other general furniture aand objects
added the roof brushes to buildings around east and west flak. just because I could then raise the clip ceiling allowing for possible TJ onto broken roof
fixed some object positioning
made garage door back everyone access
small texture alignment and scaling changes
added small ledges to outside of windows overlooking west flak
added a small room and door directly under the east flak.

******** Changes made in V4 of greater access ********

made garage door back to axis/cvops
fixed the jump from highest window to broken roof.
fixed script for axis west spawn flag
a few door fixes including a new door texture with axis logo
added flak voice overs (cheeps UIPS and DKill)
fixed windows in westflak bunker. no longer explodable but now block bullets...phew
added some new axis and neutral door textures (wooden hill400 and blue door from praetoria) with the help from UIPS.
fixed allied spawn flag allowing axis access to forward bunker from spec

******** Changes made in V5 of greater access ********

doorway activated above axis final spawn and made axis/cvops to prevent allies surrounding east flak
stairway added to axis final spawn to make it easier for axis to cover east flak
added to rope ladders to the broken house so that both sides can access the only playable roof and not just from TJ from highest window in attic
added a security camera just for a bit of fun

******** Thanks to ********

All this that tested some of the early ideas like Cranog and John Doe and huge thanks
to eG Aimex for first putting it on the server as V1 and also for nominating the map for MOTY. 2nd is great but really felt Beach and Braundorf
should have won in 2023 but maybe Grotli is a worthy winner as the only original map in the nominations.

Also a big thanks to all those on TM Muppet ETL server who also provided lots of feedback on both V2 and V3. Too many to mention of course but UIPS has been really outstanding in checking things
and making sure every little bug is fixed.

Also a big thanks to UIPS and DKill for providing the flak destroyed/dyn voice over files and also TM for who ever fixed the general vo scripts. I was lazy yes and just used the t2 version adjusted.

And must mention Kemon and Matteos for all the help and guidance along the way along with all the other ET Mapping discord members who answered my many questions.

Great to be able to test on both nitmod and ETL

******** Original Information from T2 ********

Authors: sani (Mapping & Creation)
Hukk (Plans & Layout)
Hemuli (Consultant?!)
Release dates: B1: 5/8/2010
B2: 27/11/2010
B3: 1/11/2011
Email: sani@fubr-gaming.com
IRC: #w0bble @ Quakenet

Edited by papywolf

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