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About This File


Conversion of this map is made with aproval of the original mapmaker of this map Kemon, i really want to thank him with making this beautiful map.
I changed this map because players were complaining that they don't like the objective, that's why i changed it to an easier objective to just escort a tank.
With this conversion i hope the map will be played again.
Coversion made by 
 [UJE]Niek  14-3-2023 , beware after 20 years the game is still alive Smile

Storyline now is:

The axis have to escort the tank from the city to the Railroad tunnel so they can defend the tunnel for new reinforcements.


* Axis have to escort the tank
* Build and destroy 3 bariers
* Build and destroy Allied or Axis Commandposts


Release Dateof the original stiglitz map was : 31/08/2018

This map was intended as an entry for the Trackbase, TWT, Wolfwatch map-contest 2018.
I would like to thank all of the organizers for setting up the contest. It has been a valuable experience creating a map on a fixed schedule.

For the concept to properly work, the map had to be completely flat, because upwards and downwards movement would definitely cause visual glitches in the movement animation of Stiglitz.
The layout of this map is divided into 4 sections: Noble, Church, Industry and Nature.
This was done to have chokepoints that Stiglitz needs to be escorted through, while still providing several alternative routes.
The two middle sections both have a capturable spawn making it necessary to communicate with your team. After all, you don't want the enemy to suddenly spawn behind you!
Since the map is basically all on one level, the VIS blocking could be done differently than usual. We didn't need to create seperate valleys or closed of sections and could have everything in one giant space.
This makes it nicer for the Spectator to fly around. That is also the reason why the world_clip is a func_static.
So the Spectator can leave the playable area and take on vantage points outside of the player's reach, but the player is still constricted to the play area.
VIS blocking in this map works as following:
------| |----------| |------
--B---| |----C-----| |--D---
------| |----------| |------
------| |----------| |------
When being in zone A as spectator (sky) you see everything. However, as a player you can only walk around in the lower areas (B, C, D). These are the streets and the blocks are the houses which all are structural in their core.
There is a giant HINT brush spanning across the whole map cutting the map right on top of the building blocks. That brush ensures that it is not possible for the engine to see into block C and D when the player is in B.
This results in all detailed things going on on street level actually being constrained to that street, which even though the map is just one giant cube, ensures stable FPS.

OriginalAuthor: keMoN & phisherman

-----Thanks to-----
Direct support:
• ryven for extensive support during debugging of the script_mover.
• WuTangH for the broken tree model acting as bridge from Nature to Industry and the modified head model for Stiglitz to fix a visual glitch.
• Everyone on the TWT Discord for helping out in one form or another.

Indirect support:
• Jon Swenson (=N4RC= Smokey) and Chris Swenson (Hobbie) for Axis Lab. The forwards and backwards movement of Stiglitz is highly inspired by Axis Lab.
• Gordon 'digibob' Biggans [SD] for his purely magical MD3-to-TAG tool
• C and Npherno for their wonderful model tools respectively
• hipshot for his "miramar" skybox from http://www.custommapmakers.org/skyboxes.php
• RtCW for models + textures
• Detoeni for his submarine and truck models
• ischbinz for textures
• FireFly for his Hanomag model
• RayBan for his treeline textures
• Everyone else who provided info, feedback, ideas or helped in any other way.

mapname is UJE_stiglitz

With setting up the new gameplay i tried to involve every part of the map, let's see how it plays.

Edited by papywolf

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