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Now, I know I titled it as a lag fix! And really is only one simple step to do.


What people often describe as "lag" on etpub, yet say their pings are fine, is quite often something else than a lag! It's your FPS dropping below what you are normally used to play on etpro, jaymod, nitmod... I'm sure some techguru can actually explain why it is like that.


I thought the same thing about etpub for a long time, and is much the reason it was mostly unplayable to me over more than 5vs5 games. People were just teleporting around me and my mouse moving like as if I had it in wrong configuration, skipping parts of the screen and suddenly appearing on a tree not my enemy. This was really because of I had standard fps like 10-30, which doesnt really translate into particularly smooth gameplay. Occasionally I got like 50-60 fps, but even then it felt as if I was behind of the actions taking place on server.


I believe this is the case is with most of you and what you say is the fault of a "server lag"


Fix is this


/com_hunkmegs 1024 or 2048



- After that, type into console /com_hunkmegs and see how much ram is the game allowed to use. So long as it says any of the values behind /com_hunkmegs or showing it as "lached/cached" memory that you entered, its working if not, u need to restart et and do it again or put it into your autoexec.cfg


These are the 2 values I use myself, and I have exactly the same smooth gameplay as if I had on jaymod server! I can now set my fps to 125, 333 or whatever I want it, and most of the time, it stays there stable. So please, try it before you accuse server lagging.

I also know ET as itself, shouldnt really be able to use more than 192 or whatever amount of memory, but Ive tried this with several pc's and always had the same effect. All of the PC been much more than capable of running ET.



Cheers and I hope this proves to be useful for you guys :)


That helped me when we were speaking about it, no lags now :) Thx Sir :hi: I had always my fps stable, but eventually that lag showed to me few days ago on pub and it worked :)


com_hunkMegs 128/256 should be enough. Commands to check the values are /com_hunkused or /meminfo



OK, here is the scoop, on the Hunk, Zone, and Sound Megs.

192 hunk Megs is all ET will use, even if you set it higher.

The Zone and Sound Meg values are both subtracted out of the Hunk Megs, not added to it.

Not surpassing 3/4ths of total memory is easy to figure, 192 is the most memory that ET requires, or will use.

There fore, on a system with 256 Mb of Ram, 192 Hunk Megs, is 3/4ths of the 256.

Systems with more memory would still use 192 Hunk, so on to Sound and zone.

You can use the meminfo command to see the Hunk and Zone usage in the ET console, but Zone is latched, and will only show 24 is used.

If you change this setting in a config file, it will not get changed because the zone Megs are loaded before any config files are run.

To get around this, you can create a short cut, and then add a set command to load the Zone Megs, and Hunk, and Sound as well.

Default settings for Zone and Sound are 24 Megs each, and ET will run with these settings, but those settings were designed for the small RAM of early computers.

The Sound Megs default was set at 24 Mb, and it will work, because ET will remove and reload as needed, but it's not the best for performance.

To check the sound Megs use the s_info command, and I have found that the best setting for ET Sound Megs, is to set it on about 48 sound Megs, if you use the 22 MHz setting.

We subtract 48 from 192, and that leaves 144 Mb.

Now the Zone is loading Map texture, etc, and please be aware that the higher the quality of graphic settings you use, the more Zone Megs, ET will require.

Also, large servers with 30 to 60 player slots, will also require, more of the left over Hunk, so you may have to play around with the Zone setting, to leave enough Hunk, and remember the Zone has worked, set at 24 Megs, its default setting, for years now.

Therefore, I would recommend 32 to 48 maybe even 64, but it depends on the above variables I mentioned.

So the get the Latched Zone to change, create a short cut, then right click on it, and select properties.

Then in the "Target" text box after ET.exe add this command and put quotation marks surrounding the number value settings, as follows:

"C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\ET.exe" +set com_hunkMegs "192" +set com_zoneMegs "32" +set com_soundMegs "48"
If you find these settings are slower, then just change them, in the short cut, but a word of advice, only change one setting at a time.

Hope this settles the Hunk, Zone, and Sound Meg issues for all you players out there, so enjoy.



Doesn't work like that, a quote mark is missing: "C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\ET.exe +set com_hunkMegs "192" +set com_zoneMegs "32" +set com_soundMegs "48"

Should be: "C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\ET.exe" +set com_hunkMegs "192" +set com_zoneMegs "32" +set com_soundMegs "48"




Doesn't work like that, a quote mark is missing: "C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\ET.exe +set com_hunkMegs "192" +set com_zoneMegs "32" +set com_soundMegs "48"

Should be: "C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\ET.exe" +set com_hunkMegs "192" +set com_zoneMegs "32" +set com_soundMegs "48"


Corrected :P

(I didn't wrote it, just a quote from splashdamage forum).

Also ReyalIP (etpro modder) said all over "128" is useless anyway.


I know mate you didn't write it, sorry if i sounded like that, was just pointing to others who might try it and get error because of the typo  :)


Ok so a solution for fps drop, can be increasing hunkmegs ( the amount of our ram we make available for ET).  Nowdays we have kilos and kilos of it, but ET won't use more than 192mb (3/4 of 256 ). From hunk we decide how much to give to the sound and zone. Is it correct?

But this doesn't solve completely the issue with etpub lags... :(


Thanks Smirre and Micha! For more informational posts!


However, for me, you can call it my imagination, but a setting hunkmegs to 192/256 aint having no effect at all. It's only when I set it as high as 1024 or 2048, my game on etpub becomes running smoother. Be it for whatever reason. I would record and show the difference. But as again with a lack of time, it's not really my priority nr 1 to take the recording atm.


This topic really is more of way to help getting smooth and stable FPS - which I think is more of an issue with our etpub than other mods, - than a lag fix. This does not make you immune to internet lag, which is dependent on a lot more than just your pc and cfg in game.


It worked for me, hopefully helps someone else as well :)


Ah crap! this didn't work for me :/

Can anyone help me making a config file for low quality gaming please? i'm don't know anything about cvars or others  :rolleyes:


Dunno about mac how it works there or if it works.


@ghost: try my cfg ,it is a low craphics cfg.







You can try my low settings cfg too. Use the link Smirre posted to lookup the cvar meanings



Thanks will test both of your cfg's and i'll choose the one that fits for me. :)


r_mode value is over the maximum value of your monitor.

Open the cfg with wordpad/editor/notepad and search for r_mode. The value must be lower or equal then your maximal monitor resolution


0 = 320x240
1 = 400x300
2 = 512x384
3 = 640x480
4 = 800x600
5 = 960x720
6 = 1024x768
7 = 1152x864
8 = 1280x1024
9 = 1600x1200
10 = 2048x1536
11 = 856x480 (wide)
-1 = custom


r_mode "-1"
r_customwidth "1920"
r_customheight "1080"

  • 1 month later...



It's your FPS dropping below what you are normally used to play on etpro, jaymod, nitmod...


Because they never played 20 vs 20 on any of those mods. AFAIK there are way more code in jaymod, nitmod, silent than in etpub. There are most of the etpub code and then their own additions, including sql databases, more weapons, more skill levels.


i am a bit confused as to where i create a shortcut



 "So the get the Latched Zone to change, create a short cut, then right click on it, and select properties.

Then in the "Target" text box after ET.exe add this command and put quotation marks surrounding the number value settings, as follows:

"C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\ET.exe" +set com_hunkMegs "192" +set com_zoneMegs "32" +set com_soundMegs "48"



also i use 1920x1200 resolutions  with r_mode -1   is that correct to use.    i have a powerful pc so have no worries about high settings.


thx for any help

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