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it suddenly appeared, when i hold my mouse still i get stable 125fps when i move it only 1mm to the side fps drop to 20-30

Dunno exactly when it appeared and all i changed in the last weeks are some office updates.

tryed reinstalling ET, reinstalling vidcard drivers.

Any clues??


have you installed any new program that could be causing the issue?

only update office and java


Sounds like a video card problem or maybe cpu/ram. Update drivers again (be sure to uninstall, turn off pc, start and install newest drivers).

Try to check your cpu and ram while you have these fps lags. Maybe they hit 100% and that's causing the lags (or the value is jumping high/low).


I don't think it's a mouse problem.

What's your game resolution? Try to lower r_mode just for testing


Make a rollback or uninstall those softwares you updated :D


will test some things tommorow. mouse is a g5 been using it for years with same driver (havent been a update in years)


fixed, nvidia control panel was screwed up after reinstaling vid-card driver mouse was just laggy cause the game was.

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