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Posted (edited)

I would like to create a LAN server with EtPub, omnibot and some xp save mod (Shrub?). I have done a et_server.cfg where I have all the options for the server and I made a short batch script to run the server with et_server.cfg and the server works fine. All I need now is the mods. How can I add them to my server? I would like the Xp save to be permanent so is "Shrub" a good mod for it? Thanks.




Edit: (6.10.2015)


If you are looking for info to set up your own server, I suggest this link with this topic; http://aimbots.net/forums/56-Server-Setup


It has a lots of FAQs and info for configuring your server 

Edited by Pelaaja

1. Download the selected mod you prefer


2. Put the mod folder into ETmain folder


3. Create a .bat file


4. Open notepad and copy paste the text below. First locate the location of your ETDED and selected mod, please.


C:\ET\ETDED.exe (PUT THE ETDED HERE) +set net_port 27961 +set com_hunkmegs 64 +set com_zoneMegs 32 +set dedicated 1 +set fs_game YOUR MOD (Just write the name of the mod to "your mod". The mod name is the name of the downloaded mod folder. +set fs_homepath 27961 +set sv_punkbuster 1 +exec ET_server.cfg


5. Choose Save as, choose the name of the file and then put name.bat ! Remember to write .bat to the end of the name. After it move the .bat file to ETMain folder


6. Press the .bat file to run it


7. You should find the server from your local list


EDIT: I wrote a full instructions for rest too. In your case just add +set fs_game MOD NAME and run your batch script.

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I got the etpub mod working but when I add omni-bot folder to etmain and add "+set fs_game omni-bot" to my .bat file I don't get bots or etpub mod so am I doing something wrong? (I have configured the omnibot.)


hmm, have you tried to use cmd: bot addbot from console ?


btw. use right cmd for your shortcut - it isnt fs_game omni-bot but smt like this:

C:\PATH TO ET\ETDED.exe" +set fs_game etpub +set omnibot_enable 1  ...and others options

Doesn't work  :(  . Looks like the omnibot is not loaded to the server because "/bot addbot" gives "command /bot not found". I tried on server and game console, but Nothing. I added line "set omnibot_path ="C:\Users\User\Desktop\ET server\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etmain\omni-bot"" and "set omnibot_enable 1" to my server config but still it doesn't work  :( . Can some give me instructions how to install omnibot and Shrub 1.2 to my etpub server? I uploaded my server folder to Google Drive if someone could find something that I did wrong or even correct :) . (You don't need to download the full 314mB server folder, I added read and write permissions to everyone  ^_^ ) Here is the link:  https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0Bx6V63MawlGONFlQa2tOWnRoY1E&usp=sharing


-Thanks for your time

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It looks a little messy to me.


Omnibot does not need to be in your etmain directory, create a omnibot directory along side etmain etc, add the contents of your omni-bot directory there.


The same goes for etpub, create the directory and include the files from your official etpub download, .dll, pk3 files etc


I cant see a etpub server.cfg, if you are running the mod there needs to be a server.cfg there which includes the absolute path to your omnibot_et.dll to load after the mod, create that, place in your etpub directory, add the omnibot run commands to this cfg (omnibot_enable etc) modify the omnibot.cfg for your desired omnibot settings once loaded, (omnibot/et/user/omnibot.cfg).


Previously you +set fs_game omni-bot, that will run the omnibot mod and not omnibot with etpub, the two are different, as previously mentioned, set your fs_game to etpub and control omnibot from there, plus don't forget to add +exec server.cfg to the start line to execute the server.cfg from your etpub directory.


Not sure about the omnibot error you got when trying to add a new bot but I think the error should have been something like "omnibot not loaded" and not "bot not found".


If I was at my computer I would be able to give you a complete directory listing with what you need where and what needs executing but I am currently away on holiday so from memory, the above is what you need, I'm sure the guys will correct me if I have made a mistake.


ok, mr. is right ... problem is with your directory tree but also i am curious about errors that you got. There also could be problems with version of etpub/omnibot because not all version working together ... Try to catch me on chat or on TS and i will try to help you 'online' - becouse it could be very long run by this way :D


also later i will try to create small 'quick howto' with screenshots how to do it correctly, but give me same time pls :D


It just needs those separate folders (etpub, omnibot...) and a correct startup line. Then you add the omnibot path in your server.cfg (this inside your etpub folder) and it should work.


Here is our startup line:

  +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip "" +set net_port "27960" +set sv_maxclients "42" +set fs_game etpub +set net_port_extra 27961 +set fs_game etpub +exec "server.cfg" +set com_hunkmegs 512


You dont need the extra port (+set net_port_extra 27961) and "+set dedicated" should be set as 1 = lan


In your server.cfg, add the path for omni bot:


set omnibot_enable 1
set omnibot_path "yourownpathgoeshere"


Rest of the cvars you can find on etpub documentary and for omnibot, from the omnibot wiki.


Thanks smirre but Eagle already fixed it for me via teamviewer, Now its working like a dream. Thanks everyone! PROBLEM IS SOLVED

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