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Fot he moment I regularly visit ET Legacy Small Maps as <=TM=>[T]Beeker. I presume that while playing the teams are rather on teamspeak or discord.
If so, is this only reserved for actual Teammuppet-members or can I join in my trialperiod?
If so, how can I join you guys on rather teamspeak or discord?
It would be fun to communicate with the teamplayers while playing (better for tactics and so…).

For the moment I only use the fixed teammessages...




50 minutes ago, Beeker said:


Fot he moment I regularly visit ET Legacy Small Maps as <=TM=>[T]Beeker. I presume that while playing the teams are rather on teamspeak or discord.
If so, is this only reserved for actual Teammuppet-members or can I join in my trialperiod?
If so, how can I join you guys on rather teamspeak or discord?
It would be fun to communicate with the teamplayers while playing (better for tactics and so…).

For the moment I only use the fixed teammessages...




i reckon sometimes discord is used. i think you can freely join channels? :) feel free to ask around in discord server tbh


Hi Beeker,

I think your problem is that most of the players in the Small Maps server happen to be actual bots. So non-human players. That explains them not replying to your messages. Try visiting the more human-populated servers, like: 

 TeamMuppet Beginners 

 TeamMuppet ETLegacy

TeamMuppet ETL Campaign

You will find people using team-messages a lot more here. I fact I believe discord is used mostly for events or besides the game, not for regular objective play.

To join our discord, click here!

Good luck!

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1 hour ago, Beeker said:

Thx for the tip. I surely will visit the other servers

Come to discord too :)

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