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Server Disconnected - Punkbuster kicked

player '<=TM=>Lordn'MAster (something is here in black(cant read it))

minutes) ...PB INT FAILURE (If this

persists, visit evenbalance.com and

click support to manually update



here is the error

VIOLATION (COMFAIL) #133: ^r^p[T]^wLord^rn'^pMaster (slot #9) PB INIT FAILURE (If this persists, visit evenbalance.com and click support to manually update PunkBuster)


found this in the pb logs

[01.11.2011 18:25:04] Download request for pbag (m 0 -> 1382) from (slot# 9 [0,1]) ^r^p[T]^wLord^rn'^pMaster

[01.11.2011 18:25:04] Critical Error - Local File /gsadmin/var/game_servers/ Not Found

there are 5 the same message in the log and finally he kicks lord

[01.11.2011 18:25:51] VIOLATION (COMFAIL) #133: ^r^p[T]^wLord^rn'^pMaster (slot #9) PB INIT FAILURE

  • Founders

How to fix PB INIT FAILURE Kicks?

This usually happens when you are running ET with an outdated version of PB. If updating PB doesn’t fix the problem it could be your broadband router interfering with the PB OOB packet stream.

The general method to fix this problem is to update the drivers of your broadband router/modem. Consult your router manual or manufacturer for a link to the newest drivers (can usually be found at the homepage of the manufacturer).


your pb want's to update pb, using the server files that is normal but your et doens't wan't want that or something connect to nanmod and use this code

PB_Security 0


found this on the bunker.aaxxss.com forum

In windows it's easy to open the console using the key next to the 1 (~) but on my new iMac there's no such key... I can't seem to open the console using any of the keys on the keyboard.... Which key (or combo) is the correct one to open the console???

use the "

lord can you test this


his client want to download that file from the server, just uploaded that file to the server and restarted the server

try again lord


searched for that imac keyboard and founded this

don't you have this key that is marked in red[attachment=0]keyboard.jpg[/attachment]


if that doesn't work you can try to bind this in every etconfig.cfg

so in the etmain, nanmod, jaymod, etpub /profiles/name/etconfig.cfg

bind key "toggleconsole"


then do what i said in the previous post the edit section so that you can choose with key you bind for opening console


like this


this is for etmain, you have to do it in every mod you got

open the etconfig.cfg and add this line you must change the key. too the one you want to open the console

bind key "toggleconsole"


don't no annything about mac's but isn't it possible that wolfenstein put their files in a other directory?

like this (found this on the splatterladder website)

rm -rf /Applications/Wolfenstein\ ET/

rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Wolfenstein\ ET/

rm -rf ~/Library/Preferences/Wolfenstein\ ET\ Preferences

rm -rf /Library/Receipts/Install\ Punkbuster.pkg/

you can also make a file autoexec.cfg

and there just put the bind and save it in etmain and then try if that works

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