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Guys, If you and everyone else on one of our servers are suffering from lag then please report this with the following information,

Server ip and time of incident with time zone,

Tabbed screenshot showing players pings,

Please preform a traceroute,

In Windows, select Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt or Start > search > cmd

Enter the word tracert, followed by a space, then the ip address of the server without the port number, for Mac, ask Mylan!

Copy the results to notepad and post with other results.

If you view the server via HLSW then please screenshot the connection graph from there also.

With this information I can then send the host a support ticket with proof of an issue.

  • 4 months later...

I had plenty of lag on my laptop, but that was more due to the fact its a crappy laptop hehe. 5 seconds lag when the announcer started, was not unusual  :mellow:

  • 1 year later...


I have a problem with ping started today on server, I used to have 99-105 ping but today I found it raised to 140-150 , so I tried the other Etpub server, I found my ping was 78, so the probelm was not at my internet provider, my time zone +2, please can you help me with this problem


thanx in advanced




There is not much we can do about this. It has been so before and usually it is because of some ddos attacks going on on the route to server. I think it should be fixed soon.


I heard playing axis from time to time will solve the problem



Thanx Smirre, Ding are you the one who can't play ET well and got no talent, alwayes cry and complain, and killed all the time by me even when I in spec, xD, that was funny venom ,this forum is for helping other player If you want to have fun with each other get a room,


Bit of unnecessary comment, Pharaoh. Why insulting?

Or we have another one posting drunk posts again? :sofa:


this forum is for helping other player


in the same way our rules on the server are meant to be followed 


Imo "I heard playing axis from time to time will solve the problem " is already insulting because of the problem and can be told elsewhere... Or am i only one thinking like that? 


If someone breaks rules in server then there's another topic for it ;) 


The way I read it Ding was being lighthearted with that comment and was more of a joke. It appears that Pharoah may have taken a bit of offense to it and lashed back OR he could have been joking also. Either way this should not be blown up into a fight so Id just recommend moving on from it. I really just like to think they were both joking. Some people have a sense of humor and some dont.... none of us know the way either person was saying these things so it is impossible for anyone to know but them.


The way I read it we are not really helping the guy when he has taken the time to come to the forum to ask for help. !slap muppets


Do you still have this problem pharaoh?


So people keep talking about the 'forever allies/axis' players but the matter can never be mentioned in public and especially to those concerned?



Ding are you the one who can't play ET well and got no talent, alwayes cry and complain, and killed all the time by me even when I in spec, xD





There's a time and place to do it, not when someone is in need of help.


There was a few complaints of high ping and latency last night.

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