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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/20/2015 in all areas

  1. Hello everybody. I'm Alex and I enjoy playing on your servers for quite some time and also using your teamspeak server daily so I just decided to join this community cause... why not. I'm from Bulgaria but living in Finland and studying IT in a university. Unemployed sadly. Hobbies are ET, Table tennis, programming. Been playing wolfet since 2004 after my dad showed me the game lols. Had my prime during 2011-2012 when I owned my own server & clan with over 100 members. What am I doing around TM? Well I would like to contribute with whatever I can for this dying game. I've got plenty of knowledge in the field of IT so if there are any problems with servers/clients/website or so on I'd gladly like to help. Recently I've mostly spent my time on trickjumping but I am not as good as I would like to be yet. Shoutouts to Danton for not being too scared and giving trickjumping a try. TJ server seems quite dead :/ Anyways I'm sometimes a douche but don't mind me. I talk too much and half of the stuff I say are crap so why get offended. I am happy to live in the golden age of dank memes! Shoutouts to shannie aswell for bringing me @ TM
    2 points
  2. 1 point
  3. Welcome, you have come to the right place
    1 point
  4. No wait, I found a better one heheh
    1 point
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