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Hey there, I'm the brain dead slob that kicked you the second time. Nice to meet you. I kicked you for ignoring a warning then team killing 2 people, including myself. Your first kick was for teamkilling too I believe. This sure escalated quickly, but if you don't need any of us and don't depend on the server like you say, then you won't mind the cheeky little ban I just gave you. Have a nice life sweetheart ❤️12 points
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6 points
As follows, to the dirty admin who kicked DonnieDarko: while I'm sitting in the corner as mortar, the player twaron, who I've also seen for the first time on the server today since I've been playing there, comes up to me from the side for no reason and does a team kill, shoots away the entire life bar on purpose, turns around and runs away. Completely intentional and no apology (ingame voice sorry) or any other information about what that means. and to top it off for the antisocial piece of shit, I get kicked off the server!!! because I think to myself, if that's okay, then I can just shoot him away for no reason if he can do that too. I don't know who gave you brain-dead slob admin rights, you little son of a bitch, but you can do that to your fat cheeseburger-eating mother, you bastard, store that deep in your brain. learn how to deal with admin rights and respect you miserable, perverted, stinking son of a bitch. I don't give a damn if the Chernobyl victim Twaron cries on Discord or somewhere else and is your friend, it happened as I wrote, so he should be kicked off the server and not me. And I don't need any of you and I don't depend on the server either. Nevertheless, disrespectful rubbish is fought with disrespectful rubbish. So Twaron and the pro admin please realize that you are sons of bitches, if I haven't mentioned it yet, fat sons of bitches whose wives won't let you near them anymore and that's why you're making a fuss online, you little deformed filthy children.6 points
5 points
Hello to the TeamMuppet community. I am Ryan, or also known as valk. I am 28 years old, and live in England, UK. I have played W:ET on and off now since 2003, my Father got me into the game. That's the plan for me, doing the same to my son when he's old enough, since my baby boy is due 19th August, not long to go ^^. I enjoy playing on the ETL main server, and I've started to dip my toes in to the ETL2 server too. TM offer the best within ET in my opinion, with a diverse map pool and active player base. Thought I'd come to the forums and say hello, you can find me in the TM discord if I'm needed. Regards, valk.5 points
broke the chain - re-considering applicaiton vote4 points
Sometmes i want to stab, shoot and blew up those sloths slowly leaving and blocking the spawn, but... kicking player for being a sloth? Lul You would need to kick half of the server if that is the case...4 points
hello , I'm fratske and would like to join TeamMuppet Real name: Benjamin Name in-game: fratske Age: 32 Where are you from (Country): Belgium Server you play on: mostly beginners server Been in any other clan (please name): inspiron, genuine, very first clan was Wodanfire "=WF=" etpub 2.55 Why you are not in that clan anymore: most players stopped playing , like myself, took a very long break 5+ years. Started playing again around a month ago Who invited you to join: Goldfinger Other games you play: elden ring, rimworld, RDR2 Reason why you want to join: i talked to a couple of ppl of the clan already and they are very cool and fun to play with, also like to be part of a community and maybe i get the chance to play some competitive matches again Tell us about yourself: I work as painter in construction for 15 years now, my hobbies are working out, music, go out with friends and gaming ofcourse :p4 points
Hello dear TM staff members and regulars. I am an old player from RTCW times, then ET, and now, even if slow and old, I continue (and try) to play ET again. You probably saw me playing a few times, a bit slow because I am not a professional! But I like to play fair and laugh with teammates. What I like about online games is to laugh a bit in chat, not to be serious at all, because life is hard enough already. I like all the members I meet on the server, they are relaxed and play with us, keeping an eye on any problems. For this reason I congratulate your staff for this quality achieved. Nothing else to add. I hope this community continues to be the best in the Enemy territory server landscape, and I wish all the best for the leaders and all the staff.3 points
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3 points
Modifications on main server: increased warmup time from 30s to 40s inactivity timer to 10s at beginning of the map (after warmup), then 30s rest of the map balancer enabled during warmup 1mn inactivity timer for TM members, no matter the situation of the map3 points
Its a bit patronising to have someone who doesnt play, come and tell us, who see and play on the server every day, what our issues are. Whats your backround with ET? Youve annoyed me a little, your steering the convo back to the usual and we are trying to make progress, and seemingly finally getting somewhere. Just place your vote & raise other issues another time. Yove been on the server 3 days ago for a little time, and previous to that 3 weeks ago.3 points
I feel like the same maps are voted all the time for example supply, braundord, goldrush and delivery. Those maps are great and I have nothing against them. Is there a way to only vote new or less played maps after same maps have been played many times? For example today's voting list expectionally looked like this: Mlb temple Oasi Warbell Italy Fragginhart canyon Capuzzo Minas Helmsdeep Battery Library It would be cool to have similar maps to be voted so less played maps have to be played at some point.3 points
3 points
Yeah, there is a timer for people that are afk and will automatically be moved to specs after the timer runs out. So, yes, there was no logical reason to kick dundee. If he was afk he would've been moved to specs anyway. It was pointless to kick him.3 points
too many "coincidences" to be true anymore. Behavior is also reason enough. Banned3 points
@Charlie Yo Charleston, you old duck! we unanimously (at least 20+ members) voted tonight, that we need to add Minas Tirith map back into the cycle of main ET:Legacy server! @EBO said you're a wuss if you don't and she'll 1v1 u anyday Please load it back asap, for free Charlie points3 points
Okay, fair enough for me using !news, that is something I do enjoy listening to. But from that causing a clash, it's beyond me... And for "among others" I don't recall ever doing or saying anything in particular to Knux to cause grief. Just like for anyone, he's entitled to not like me, I don't care about that. But that's for his own reasons, and I won't tolerate being freely insulted. for me, topic closed2 points
Can we all calm down here and be friendly together please. @knuX please respect our members and overall all players. No need to go mad with language, doesn't bring anything. @Txrki for bad language, you can use mute command first. Also, spamming !news command can be irritating from players point of view, best is not to spam that every map. Thanks.2 points
But you've been kicked for insulting, bad language and for beeing toxic before. "Nice" to see that you're going back to behave like you did before joining TM.2 points
2 points
Ok rule understood, so if I example see/saw someone using mortar inside, then I just !kick and add reason that its against our rules which means USING MORTAR INSIDE NOT ALLOWED... Why, because its against rules, its how I udrenstand it after those comments... Thank you for helping with situation.. Thanks @Ctrz @Cyber and @lost your great guys all, thanks for commenting..2 points
2 points
Hey all! Im Pestilence666 when i was a young kid my cousin showed me the RTCW game and i fell in love with this game ,circa 2001. After ET was came out and i fell in love again XD. i think i started to playe ET 2007 or somthing like that (that time i played many others game Jedy knight 2, Quake 3 arena, Unreal Tournament), after a litle brake and i finde Dark Alchemy server and i very liked that community (a bit sad was endid this period), that time i was very active player. Then I didn't find my place i played UJE server and some others but this server was very nice, so thats why i join here also in forum About myself: i worked cnc turn machines for 7 years but july 31 was the last day, so now im free XD before i worked many carpenter workshop. Hobby : I started cycling 8 years ago and ride the mountains with an enduro bike, but i have dirt bike also. So i like jumping with bike, but not just ride, i like to build trail, i have neer where i live my own trail, me and my friends build it Music: Black metal and other metals also XD2 points
2 points
I just said you can be annoying with your spam, if you like to play mortar/mg/whatever due to your handicap it is your choice, its a class that is available i don't think you are boring, or a bad player. you're smart were you take place and use the MG par example .. just don't follow matuuuu and dimitriDC1 in their annoying spam chat shit , have a good day!2 points
Nobody forces anyone to be fun player and havent seen anyone beeing discriminated for playing with their non-dominant arm due injury. All we ask is to follow rules. Server has pretty forgiving warning system but we cant help further if people still ignore it. 17 individual warnings should be more than plenty to notice that something isnt right. Imagine football game where someone receives 17 yellow cards and then is angry when beeing kicked out with a red card saying "i didnt know". Ban for 7 days was issued like 20 days ago so you have been able to play in server for 2 weeks, whats the issue?2 points
This guy can be VERY annoying, like spamming *oops* every minute, the WHOLE map long. Yesterday he did it again, matuuuuuuuu follows it ofcourse, because if there is a way to be annoying, matuu jumps on it, matuu gets kicked by vote (luckely) en ofcourse dimitriiic1 needs to fullfill the twat role.2 points
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Your easiest solution would be to enable balancer in warmup (it’s a variable inside the existent lua) and extend warmup to 40s. And a little code to set inactivity time to 10-15s in during warmup You will have little more warmup and teams balanced by script2 points
If you know the topic why are you trying to derail it into another subject? This is what halts progress. Let us get one thing out of the way first..... Engy wont be locked, rifle will limited. Engy can tale smg, incase you arent aware. Players will need to take SMG engy as well, and it will encourage team work instead of people running around firing nades across the map playing tennis on a solo quest to get the most frags they can. No disrespect but another example of a mostly AFK player pasionatley opposing some decisions that may or may not happen in a game they play once in a blue moon. We brough this topic to the forum so that it wouldnt get side tracked and lost in endless chats. Can we please stay on topic.2 points
"And I have seen some skilled players do selfkills between fights that the enemy cant continue their killing spree.. " FACEPALM2 points
My opinion: - limit number of rifle to 2 per team when server half populated, and 4 when server is full, limit to 2 max for specific maps (adler, erdenberg...) - increase soldiers charge time2 points
Theres certain maps need to have some conscesions and impose stricter limits even at capacity to improve the game play - for example Adlernest, very popular map, anytime Axis go over board with rifles there is no chance for allies to move forward. Combinartion of MG flamer panzer 6 SMGs and 6 rifles all firing at allies at the same time. Too much to substain decent game play. Just is. Same with the mortar's on Supply firing into the window, no place for it. Take that off them and get them involved in the battle instead of getting 5 man kills for doing nothing. Its also massively swinging the game in one direction. Rockets should recharge every 60seconds imo. The player has an SMG to keep him warm. No reason to give him multiple attempts with rocket, if he misses, that his fault, theres 20 targets, git gut. So option 1, but with the caviat that some maps are considered for limitations even above 14 due to playability. And yeah Im willing to help compile a list of them.2 points
2 points
Hey, Disguised Dundee here (now known as Kangaroo Dundee, because your server has friendly fire on!). Glad to see that ET is still alive and your server definitely is the best out there! I love legacy! I'm from Estonia and in mid 30's, been playing ET on and off since 2003, although mostly jaymod and etpub, took some long breaks between 2012-2020. Back in the day I was into trickjumping (gammajumps) and map making (small 1on1 maps), now just occasionally fragging. Most likely will keep playing the game as long as it exists. Makes me wonder, how long will it keep going 😀 I'm a crazy player who loves playing often with sten and experimenting with inverted mouse, because it's just so crazy ha-ha-ha! For now mostly medic camping as I'm not so used to legacy mod. See you in game!2 points
This might just be the best complaint ive ever seen😆 Keep it up, Donnie!2 points
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2 points
Don’t know what happened exactly but I see you trolling regularly Loki and this starts to bothers me. Saw you knifing teammates and have arguments with them two days ago. Plus Kevlar is in our community for years believe me he has better things to do than babysit trolls. I don’t wanna hear anymore from you in the future. Play normally, stop trolling or this won’t last long trust me. We all have better things to do than managing trolls. You’re not the first one and won’t be the last one, we have appropriate response for these.2 points
🐰Easter Event 🐣 Hide & Seek With Easter coming up, it's of course time for an 'egg' hunt. We hope to see you at our Hide&Seek event! Don't forget to join our Discord voice channel if you want to! Server: Date: Saturday the 23rd of March (next Saturday) Time: 8PM CET (check the timezone converter for your local time)2 points
Server Rules The Main language for the Public chat is English. Not allowed: Cheating,cursing,spamming,Advertising other servers,pushing/blocking without valid reason,trickjumping for main objective/end map,abusing bugs, exploiting game/weapons to gain an advantage, Spawnkilling-unless battling for spawnpoint's(see SK rules).short and not unique names. Allowed:Selfkilling,boostjumping,spawnpassing to get to the objective(you may defend yourself with light weapon in the way after you get shot-otherwise it will count as SK). Spawnkilling Rules Fixed (normal) spawns Spawnkilling/camping on fixed spawns is not allowed. Capturable flag/spawn/command post spawn Spawnkilling at capturable flag/spawn/cp spawn is allowed-Exept mortaring any spawns or spawnexit. Spawnexit Rules Mortaring ANY spawn or spawnexits isnt allowed! Artillery and other heavy weapons near spawnexit is allowed only when there is multible exits,otherwise its not allowed! Its not considered as multible exits,if there is a small cabin with 2/3 doors(like in bremen axis 2nd spawn and in oasis allies 2nd spawn) Heres some examples we have most problems: Oasis map:No axis arty or mortar behind wall after its blown!No allies arty/mortar in to axis final spawn yard! Bremen map:No allies arty/mortar into axis 2nd spawn yard! Goldrush map:No allies mortar at any axis 2nd spawnexit! Admins/Members Guidelines Do NOT use commands on other clan members if they break rules. Use /mc chat or forum for discussing/arguing. Ask recruiters or admins if you will need any help. Members and Admins should do whats needed to balance teams when teams are unfair.That means to switch teams himself,ask nicely one of the strong player or tm member to swap/switch. Do not just !put without asking.Autobalance working but its balancing only by numbers so your part is to balance by skill. Especially pay attention at the beginning of the map in warmup,so the match can start with even teams. Its importand that all members understand when and how to use commands.Ask any member/admin if you need any help. Commands: type "help" in to console. https://teammuppet.com/home/forums/topic/17522-commands-on-etlegacy-couple-of-changes/ Lastly,have fun and enjoy. Its only a game!2 points
2 points
I m not a native English speaker but I feel there is pun intented with that nickname Anyways. Welcome to the server and enjoy the game. We have many oldies around. 58 is the new 35! Greetings to UK1 point
@Dundee I'm aware of all that. Every spawn there is someone afk doing something. The difference was, you seemed AFK every single spawn. Because unlike everyone else moving to get out, you just stand still. It wasn't once or a couple of times, it was every map I played with you on different days. And after moving you to spec, after DM'ing you asking to move, you were still doing it every time1 point
1 point