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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/05/2017 in all areas

  1. Ladies and gentlesoldiers, I am proud to present to you the first ever cross-community event in the history of TeamMuppet. A big thanks to @Niek from UJE who made this a possibility. On Saturday the 11th of February we invite all of you on our event server for our next Hide and Seek event. This mod has been an all time favourite of the Muppets, if you haven't played it before I would advice you to join us for this! Adding to the already entertaining mod we will be joined by some of the guys from the UJE clan and the 1944 clan to make this even more fun. I have been told that they have not played this mod before, so let's introduce them to it in a true Muppet fashion and make this night a night filled with laughter! Doors will open at 8pm GMT (That's 9 for the folks in the Brussels timezone and even later for the fintards!). I'm looking forward to this. Are you?! - The event team -> For people wondering about the giveaway: we haven't forgotten about this We will choose the winner of the TM shirt with another deathmatch event. I have heard that @P3Sone will not be competing so everybody will have a fair chance of winning Expect a poll to vote on a date in the management section soon! Please join the server before the event to make sure you were able to download all the files. If something went wrong you can post here or contact me via PM and we will figure out what the problem is. Thanks! TL;DR section 11/02/2017 - Hide and seek event with UJE clan - Be there! Copy&Paste section /connect Teamspeak section: ts3.teammuppet.com
    1 point
  2. After playing for a short time (recently hit 10k XP) at TM Nodownloads I figured I need to register and introduce myself properly to the community I'm spending time at. 26 y.o. guy currently located in Stockholm, Sweden. I mostly play during my little spare gaming time, i.e. after work and after daily studies are done... Trying not to sit too much at the PC and instead go out for a workout or to meet friends (I'm getting enough PC at work 8h/day 5d/week and my eyes are slowly starting to fail me ) The games I play are ET and Delta Force Task Force Dagger (the latter is at least 10 years old or so, but just because I still know people that are loyal to that game playing there from old times). Nothing else apart from that right now (singleplayer doesn't count). I used to play ET a lot 5 or 6 years ago, mostly on my own without any clan tags, but on one or two specific servers (i.e. loyal to only certain community, not a roamer). I'm a mediocre player, just enjoying my ET time, and TM servers are a good place for that - atmosphere is pleasant, friendly people, nice maps (I really enjoy vanilla maps most, even Railgun!). However, IMHO, auto-muter for abusive/offensive words in game chat seems to be quite sensitive, blocking even expressions like "wtf", "ffs" and similar "harmless" player rage expressions (although members with a proper lvl are not filtered or filtered to less extent?). I got an invitation for joining TM from Eagle_cz, however, at this point I'm not sure I'm able to allocate enough time to be involved in the clan activities, as well as I expect more workload in the next few weeks/months to come. However, I'm flattered to have that invitation and I will consider it in the future, depending on my further activity on ET and if the invitation will be kept active. I'm also surprised this community doesn't have any donations page/account as most of other communities have (some time ago I was looking for that to send in some $ as a thanks for making my time pleasant). At least I get the chance to say here how happy I feel to play at TM That's it, basically. Looking forward to see you all on TM servers Warm Regards, .Technus
    1 point
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