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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/29/2017 in all areas

  1. Might also be a good idea to set one of the banners up to say "we have changed the spawntimes for map X, let us know what you think about it on our forum!". It will make the people aware of the change and at the same time encourage them to pay us a visit here.
    1 point
  2. @Eagle_cz It flushes your entire adapter settings. Mostly the cause of a 00 MAC address is a faulty network adapter or tinkering with it yourself. The flush will fix this by resetting the 'faulty' values and reapplying the correct MAC as it had always been. A 00 MAC address is not allowed by vendor standards so it has to be tinkered with. I never said it will give you a *new* MAC, it will restore your old, normal MAC.
    1 point
  3. You can just open Command Line and input "ipconfig /release" to remove the current settings and then "ipconfig /renew" to apply new settings. This will generally reset your MAC.
    1 point
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