missed what? yesterday? this happened today :mrgreen: rofl, muppet restart it soon plz, i want to plaaaaay damn today i got the exame results and there was a note whit it that says: "benjamin(ye thts me ) has to do hes year again() and needs to speak whot the CLB+we kicked him off the school due his bad behavior" if it isn't spelled correct heres the reason:I'm from belgium 8-) benjamin,benny boy ben...................work harder at school you numpty or you end up living in walloon! :mrgreen: haha now i need to change school that mean no frends and a lot more work for school (if i don't want to chogne agaon:p) so i will get less active... BUT i wont let that happen whitign 3 hrs im going to talk to the school head whit my dad... hope i can stay at ma school... and stay active