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Everything posted by miraro3

  1. ok, just saying, if i misuse ma powers tell me... i know i can act stupid somtimes..
  2. is he BIA now? :?:
  3. are u sure? nah just kidding
  4. haha no its over i realy don't belive him anymore... last somone added me on xfire whit almost the same nickname as puppet.. is asked him if it was puppet and then he stopped talkin to me.... bye bye puppet
  5. miraro3


    well im back... if i don't get punisched for beeing kicked of my school...
  6. damned to bad i missed that, i was in walibi yesterday...
  7. ok i give it up... now this belongs to the past i dont care anymore. donald u proved it, there's nothin more i can say to deffend him...
  8. thahaha
  9. miraro3


    Well the last mach was in may or somthin.... why we arent doing any more maches?.... :idea:
  10. well i'm back and im trying to get evryone i kno on the NQ server
  11. haha ok i'll remember it for the next time :idea:
  12. i'm just wondering but is it allowed to make the teams fair whit ur powers? even after the vote failed? i mean i did that today bcaus it was like 3 vs me,an afk player and a bot, after i did badwolf warned me that if i do it again i'll be kicked/banned :| i had no wrong meanings by doying that but i thought that if the team are unfair the need to be maked fair...
  13. wel miraro says:HEEEELOOOOOW bit late.. sry for tht :roll: i hope i see u soon at the NQ server, where ma name is PizzaWhitXtraCheese huwdie lolz i understand u
  14. i asked puppet abaut it and he sayd he didnt do it.... when he hacked he used downloaded hacks, i dont think he can simpley hack the pw of mr muppet i dont think its an easy one (right?) why u automatly think its puppet? it could be somone else..... ok puppet is smart But i dont think he so samrt that he can hack a forum or website... :!:
  15. man i dont have words to discribe this... i think we should ad a banner to the website whit: "farewel puppet' on it we'ill all miss him, but now whe should try to get our servers populated again just as rob sayed, he's new but smart
  16. i play to murder iniciint plp.. na just kiddin look normally i would play @ any clan war but for some reasons i can't
  17. lol puppet dunno why plp call u cheater... they beter call u good bcaus i gues only plp who u killed are sayin tht...
  18. oi winston, im playin at c&c latley + i have So many conversations on msn tht i don't have any more time for wolfenstein.... but don't worrry i'll be back :twisted:
  19. ur right winston, tht was wrong of hunter, but i'll think he just had a bad day, i don't belive he want to 'scare' plp ;p
  20. ok winston yes i can translate it means cancer but it is used something like in english you use fuck or shit.. lol that is what i said it is used a swearing word... lol its an realy DUTCH swear word, belgians don't use it ;p
  21. lol sinister........i know him
  22. miraro3


    damn why can't i typ -> popumar :roll:
  23. whats so funny baut tht?
  24. miraro3


    this is kinda a late answer but-> we'll miss ya belo ^^
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