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Posts posted by miraro3

  1. 1 hour ago, MrMuppet said:

    https://rocket.chat  this can be integrated as mentioned in the topic, we are currently away on holiday so it will be the end of next week before I can look at anything, perhaps open the chat box to all in the short term?


    Do you mean the shout box?

    Since there's a lot of sensitive information in that one it might be worth looking into if we can somehow have two of those running at the same time, with different access restrictions.

  2. Well, the main thing about the chat on site is that it is supposed to increase site activity because it gives people a reason to visit this site. There are indeed a lot of out-of-site activities but using those as a replacement will not do the forum activity any good.

    The reason chat was empty lately is most likely because there isn't much effort going into keeping the chat active either. We had @MadF.Lame who did a great job for a long while to be in chat almost all the time every day and during those times we had a decent chat activity. Since he has no time for it anymore and since nobody has picked up after him most people will just leave chat if they notice that it's empty. It works kinda the same way like our servers -> people bring people.

    So dear admins, I strongly suggest to find an alternative that we can use internally here.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Minty said:

    I wonder if I can still just Rambo Medic or if I'll actually have to start trying again to get a higher rating..

    Either way might weed out the XP whoring a little.

    Well first of this will be for server running on legacy, not our NoDownloads server :D

    Secondly, I believe that fragging like you're used to also helps the team to victory, so you should be fine :P

  4. 14 hours ago, kemon said:

    Ah, thank you very much for posting it here. I was just about to do that.

    Couldn't do it earlier, because I assume that new profiles need to be authenticated?

    Anyway, now it is here :) Let us know what you think.



    Aaah here is the new face who showed up on chat last night :D Shame we didn't get to talk!

    This sounds like an interesting concept for sure!

  5. 1 hour ago, Jessica said:

    Feel free to steal my bind :

    bind [ "vstr event"
    set event1 "set event vstr event2; say Event !! : Saturday 4 march - Infected - 7pm GMT / 8pm CET"
    set event2 "set event vstr event3; say Combined : TeamMuppet Clan and AOS Clan "
    set event3 "set event vstr event4; say Server.. : on our infected server : IP"
    set event4 "set event vstr event1; say Teamspeak: AoS teamspeak server.. : IP"
    set event "vstr event1"

    Oh you :D

  6. 13 hours ago, Niki said:

    ooo in 4 im making birthday party for my dad 70, will have plenty guests and I want make it :(

    You can disapper from the part for a couple of hours, no biggie :D

    13 hours ago, MiniMuppet said:

    Sorry we are on nights at work so won't be there.

    Aah too bad! Next event date will be aimed to suit your work days!

    12 hours ago, Toni said:

    Can't come. My wife sister 40yo birthday. Or was they 3.3... :cheers:

    Too bad Tuna, enjoy the celebrations!

    10 hours ago, Macka said:

    I'll try and be there :)

    You better be there! As everyone else seems to be busy, we need the Macka to make this event a success!

    9 hours ago, PurpleHaze said:

    sorry won't be able to join that day :(

    Too bad mr Haze!

  7. Halloween comes early this year!

    I've been trying to get in touch with AoS for a while now because some of our people have connections with some of their people. After some poking around I got very lucky and got in touch with @AoS|Fabi who really liked the idea of having a shared event. After a short discussion we agreed on hosting our event on the Infected mod, which happens to be one of the most fun mods we have to offer! (in my modest opinion)

    Get your zombie evading skills ready because next week we will find out which community has the best survival skills and which one has the best brain-devouring members!

    7pm GMT we will kick off the event on our infected server. You can find the IP in the copy&paste section below!

    AoS loves being on TeamSpeak so Fabi has invited us to join them on their TeamSpeak for the event. Playing the game with a bunch of amazing people is one thing, actually speaking with them brings the experience to whole new level, I will be on their TS server, I hope I will meet some of you over there as well! The IP for that can be found in the Teamspeak section below!

    I'm looking forwar t--.. wait, is that a zombie i hear growling outside? I'll go have a look, hopefully I'm wro- F*CK! RUN!

    Please try to connect to the server before the event to make sure there are no problems with downloading the required files. If you need any help, feel free to leave a post on this topic and we will try to help you out as fast as possible!

    TL;DR section
    Infected event with AoS community, 4th of March, 7pm GMT (Uk time!), wear diapers
    Copy&Paste section
    Teamspeak section
    AoS teamspeak: ts.aos-et.com:9253 (


    Because someone is still puzzled, what time is UK time, this can be helpful: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/uk/london

    • Like 7
  8. I have updated this topic to add a Dynamic scoreboard to my first post here. Admins have the possibility to add players to that list and their names will magically appear here. The admins also have the option to appoint a winner in the list, he who wins will also appear on top of this page. You don't have to refresh the page, the list will get updated automatically.

    Don't forget to join us on teamspeak for some extra fun :D ts3.teammuppet.com!

    Good luck guys!


    Just a reminder for those of you who didn't follow the poll: We will have our deathmatch competition tomorrow night (or tonight if you're reading this on Saturday) to decide who will win the TeamMuppet shirt!

    I know most of you hate reading long posts so I will keep this one short :D Here is a list of the most important information regarding this event:

    Deathmatch server:
    Time & Date: 7pm GMT 18/02/2017
    People who are allowed to compete: TeamMuppet
    members, friends and ex-members

    Depending on the amount of people who are going to join the competition we will have an amount of pre-selection rounds. To win a round you will have to be the first to reach 30 kills. People who won a pre-selection round will be allowed to play in the final round. If you win a round you are still allowed to compete in the next rounds, but if you win those rounds the "finals spot" will be given to the player who has the highest amount of kills after you.

    The amount of pre-selection rounds will be determined tomorrow night. I will post in this topic when we start our first round and I will post again when we will start our final round. This topic will also be updated with the winners of every round leading up to the final round.

    Everybody is invited to spectate the event and everybody is allowed to place their bets on this topic as well. Who do you think will win this event? Will it be @VenoM who has been training for this day to come, or will it be an underdog like @Raiko who will steal the prize away from him?

    Just one last reminder of what you will be competing for...


    Good luck!

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