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Lynx last won the day on January 16 2015

Lynx had the most liked content!

About Lynx

  • Birthday 07/04/1991

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  1. Sorry but I will sound harsh. Did you thought at least for a second that event wasn't attractive the whole community? Not everyone are fun of a panzer. Don't forgot that Easter Sunday isnt the best day to spend on PC some ppl going they families and some going vacation. Don't be too harsh for community then. I wasn't there, nevertheless a big thanks for organising events for such a long time. I know it cost you lot of effort.
  2. Probably? - lol. Again was playing with you tho, look forward to do it again.
  3. Welcome to the site. Was fun playing with you. I like the honest words about cheating
  4. Great job, it was very fun and very enjoyable. Thanks for everyone who worked on this and thanks for nice turnout for members and friends
  5. Shame on me. Prefer to stay home and play PC game instead of go clubbing. Anyway see you Saturday
  6. I like the topic title
  7. Got a small party on this Saturday. Crap.
  8. Lynx

    Coming soon

    What is in 0:18? I recall the towers but can't recall names
  9. Lynx

    It's time

    Never been a great talker. Just a sincere "thank you" both, for a hard work You have done to this community. For a time spent on, for every decision You have made here. They wasnt always easy and pleasurable but they are always going for a good reason. For every game we have played together or against. Wish you all best and hope you will find our server enjoyable again.
  10. Just send very, Steve and Bart to take the prize
  11. Isn't this bendover introduction topic?
  12. Lynx


    Hey nice to see your post here EDIT cute dog
  13. Why this is in warframe section? @star http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XrSHH7IH3A
  14. We had a tryout from Lublin already, but he didnt passed No i w ogóle to miło Cię widzieć na forum, Polacy przejmują je
  15. Hey mate, nice to see your intro here
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