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Macka last won the day on November 22 2018

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About Macka

  • Birthday 12/14/1987

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  1. I have long had a fear of public speaking. So being on a course all week that involves public speaking seemed like my nightmare scenario. But I chose to go in fighting and have come out stronger and confident. Perseverance and passion is so much better than running away from your phobias.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Towelie


      I know this problem and have had to deal with it through high school and higher education as well. Up until I was like 15 I used to learn the presentations word by word from heart. Worst tactic ever. Wish I had better guidance at the time. Later I learned it's easier if you know what you are talking about and speak from knowledge instead of from a paper. That being said I remember the nervous feeling going up to the moments of public speaking and it really wrecked the first part of my day always. Always had to take a crud before one lol. On the other hand I used to relax a bit more once I started talking and always concluded that it wasn't as bad as I made it out to be, until the next time... :)

      To this day I still prefer conversations in small groups, and Im never the loud one in big groups.

      Only on ET. hihi.

    3. Towelie


      And respect for taking a course on that, sounds like a pretty big challenge tbh ... You took it and faced your fear which makes you a minority. No racist.

    4. Macka


      I'm exactly the same. I underestimate myself big time and always feel I am worse than I am. I think I have come to really realise that this week.

      Sadly I was obliged to take this course to qualify as a lawyer. And a large part involves 'advocacy,' which is all about presenting cases to a Court and questioning and cross-examining witnesses. I hated the thought of it but loved every minute of it in the end :D

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