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Honourable Admin
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Everything posted by Micha!

  1. Nice of you to make a giveaway. Gz to you two for winning I tried it for 10 minutes and always failed at the jumping pads and lost motivation.
  2. Micha!

    Infected Event

    Oh dear, be well Eagle. I played Diablo 3 because of new Season start, so time
  3. Hey
  4. Micha!

    Easter Event

    Had some funny moments and talking in Teamspeak/Wolfenstein. See you on next event "clicks"
  5. Hajimashite, Michael desu.
    Dōzo yoroshiku.

    Learning japan in school :)

  6. Micha!

    Easter Event

    Nice, I posted it on crossfire and twt
  7. 28 Feb 2013 was the day I joined TeamMuppet. It's over 3 years now, time goes by so fast :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MrMuppet


      It sure does and thanks for your work behind the scenes in the community that the majority don't see.

    3. naz
    4. Micha!
  8. Welcome
  9. Welcome
  10. Awesome, I still love my Mug
  11. Micha!

    Halloween event!

    I'm glad that you guys like my mod and this event which came with it.
  12. Micha!

    New leader

  13. Micha!

    It's time

    Thank you Mr and Mini. You both did a great job on this community. You always were open to help other people and I was and still be very happy that you supported me and my mod. I totally understand the decision. Take your time which you deserve for sure.
  14. I won the first european Stronghold Crusader 2 tournament yesterday. :)

  15. Micha!

    Xmas Event

    Nice to see this event but how I said, I wont be there because I have birthday on this day.
  16. Nice ones Eagle. I like the first one more than the second.
  17. silent server with xmas maps (fueldump, northpole, etc)
  18. Nice ideas for sure. GL everyone
  19. Nice, will be there hopefully.
  20. You can use /!list -> /!listp -> /!listpl and so on. Info: Lua userinfo just captures the last 8 digits of the pb guid (anti guid spoof) and client version unknow doesn't mean someone don't use etpub client. It just means lua couldn't catch the version the client is using. This feature which lua tries to check seems to be buggy on our etpub version. Proof: guid = string.sub(et.Info_ValueForKey(userinfo,"cl_guid"),-local gamename = string.lower(et.trap_Cvar_Get( "gamename")) if gamename == "etpub" or gamename == "infected" or gamename == "hideNseek" then etversion = et.gentity_get(client,"pers.etpubc") else etversion = et.Info_ValueForKey(userinfo,"cg_etVersion") end if etversion == nil then etversion = "None" elseif etversion == "" then etversion = "*unknown*" elseif etversion == 0 then etversion = "*OMNIBOT*" end
  21. seta cg_chatAlpha "0.33" Maybe you made the chat invsible?
  22. Micha!

    Broken something?

    Virus? Broken program? Broken windows? Think of what you have installed last and could cause this. Format Windows if nothing helps
  23. Good luck everyone and be creative
  24. Do /sv_paknames while on server. You will see all pk3s in the console then
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