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Everything posted by Micha!

  1. Hello Muppets, BlAcky wants to create a new competition map for ET and he needs our help. He is not sure what to put in and how it should look like. That's the reason I am posting here and I want to brainstorm with you guys. Keep in mind that it is supposed to be played in competition (2on2 - 6on6) (public is not so important). You are free to make some painting to show ways, layout and such stuff. He worked/made the map "waffenschmiede" and "library". http://forums.warchest.com/showthread.php/38450-MAP-Waffenschmiede-1st-impressions?highlight=waffenschmiede http://www.crossfire.nu/news/view/id/7249
  2. Join up and have fun Muppets and Muppet friends
  3. I didn't like the deathmatch. Maps were to small for this amount of players for my taste. Most time I spawned moved, someone spawned there and had spawn shield, so he killed me. There must be more spawnpoints and a bit bigger maps, depending on player amount for sure.
  4. Nice, looking forward to this
  5. Voted for TDM but I'm for a "infected" and "etpro" event
  6. Frohe Weihnachten ! (to say it in german) Merry Christmas
  7. No problem. I could do some if needed. I got the basic mapscripts from my infected/hide&seek scripts and just need to add the spawnpoints. You could try it yourself too: http://etmods.net/forums/viewtopic.php?id=1218
  8. Micha!

    Etpro Grand Opening

    I wont do the sk stuff. I see no problem in it (just goldrush is as axis). I thought of adding some more spawnpoints (behind bank) and this will be solved. Keep in mind that it's ETPRO MOD and ppl are used to it. Most ppl don't do objective because they want to frag. Also I wouldn't do stuff about camping because that is etpro. It is more about aiming/fragging then just running for the objective. I would say go to etpub if you want this rule
  9. I know the owner of the clan, would be easy to get his files to host a server like this. I also uploaded his headshot files to our etpro server: /callvote config hs
  10. I agree. eLemental Forces (element clan) hosted 4 servers on hetzner provider: http://www.hetzner.de/en/ It's a german hoster but they had never problems with lags.
  11. I'm using the BenQ XL2410T. I like this monitor so I would recommended the BenQ XL2411t or the bigger BenQ Xl2720T
  12. No lags for me. I played abit but I don't like etnam because it's hard to see the colour difference from the uniform (maybe it's just me donno).
  13. Sounds like a video card problem or maybe cpu/ram. Update drivers again (be sure to uninstall, turn off pc, start and install newest drivers). Try to check your cpu and ram while you have these fps lags. Maybe they hit 100% and that's causing the lags (or the value is jumping high/low). I don't think it's a mouse problem. What's your game resolution? Try to lower r_mode just for testing Make a rollback or uninstall those softwares you updated
  14. Micha!

    The main menu

    cl_allowdownload 0
  15. Micha!

    Wolf has lag

    I did this too but never had any difference. I just know that etpro is turning off the multicore cpus. Etpro always uses just one cpu. I tried to assign etpro to an extra cpu and it worked for me. However this isn't Wolfs problem since he has stable 125 fps.
  16. Micha!

    Zoom Levels

    These are wrong (I looked it up in the etpub source once and read about it from etpro team) Hold mouse2 to snipe. My covert.cfg: bind 1 "weaponbank 1;cg_drawgun 0;m_pitch 0.0151;sensitivity 3.5" bind 2 "weaponbank 2;cg_drawgun 0;m_pitch 0.0151;sensitivity 3.5" bind 3 "classmenu; class;sensitivity 3.5" bind 4 "weaponbank 4;cg_drawgun 0;m_pitch 0.0151;sensitivity 3.5" bind 5 "weaponbank 5;cg_drawgun 0;m_pitch 0.0151;sensitivity 3.5" bind 6 "weaponbank 6;cg_drawgun 0;m_pitch 0.0151;sensitivity 3.5" bind 8 "weaponbank 8;cg_drawgun 0;m_pitch 0.0151;sensitivity 3.5" bind R "+reload;sensitivity 3.5; m_pitch 0.0151" bind mouse1 "+attack" bind mouse2 "+vstr zoomin zoomout" set zoomin "+zoom;weapalt;m_pitch 0.040;sensitivity 10;com_maxfps 71" set zoomout "-zoom; m_pitch 0.0151;sensitivity 3.5" seta cg_fov "110" seta cl_maxpackets "71" seta cg_zoomDefaultBinoc "88" //unused seta cg_zoomDefaultSnooper "88" //unused seta cg_zoomDefaultFG "88" //unused seta cg_zoomDefaultSniper "100" //Default Zoom Level (maximal 20) //angel in ° used with binocs (Blickwinkel, in Grad, bei aktiver Binoculars - Sicht) seta cg_zoomfov "88" //unused seta cg_zoomstepsniper "8" //Zoom Levels seta cl_mouseAccel "0" seta m_filter "0"
  17. Micha!

    Wolf has lag

    Do you use a config? Maybe nitmod settings are different. Do /rate 25000 and try /cl_maxpackets 40-100 with different values. Are fps stable?
  18. r_mode value is over the maximum value of your monitor. Open the cfg with wordpad/editor/notepad and search for r_mode. The value must be lower or equal then your maximal monitor resolution 0 = 320x240 1 = 400x300 2 = 512x384 3 = 640x480 4 = 800x600 5 = 960x720 6 = 1024x768 7 = 1152x864 8 = 1280x1024 9 = 1600x1200 10 = 2048x1536 11 = 856x480 (wide) -1 = custom r_mode "-1" r_customwidth "1920" r_customheight "1080"
  19. http://www.teammuppet.eu/home/index.php?/topic/10681-micha-cfg/ You can try my low settings cfg too. Use the link Smirre posted to lookup the cvar meanings
  20. True, that's wolfenstein. Just mess around with cvars to improve or unlag your gaming
  21. FPS, ram, cpu, inet connection affects much on ET. You are able to find tons of tutorials on the internet to improve your gaming on ET It's all about tweaking the config. Here's a good side (sorry that it's in german): http://www.gamingpalace.de/index.php/enemy-territoryy/configskripte/settings.html
  22. Corrected (I didn't wrote it, just a quote from splashdamage forum). Also ReyalIP (etpro modder) said all over "128" is useless anyway.
  23. com_hunkMegs 128/256 should be enough. Commands to check the values are /com_hunkused or /meminfo
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