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Everything posted by Destroy666

  1. But why? It's just a tricky shot - I never saw anybody calling it hax/bug/whatever. And the mortar is fairly easy to kill - get down, fire a good riflenade, it's dead. Personally I find flamethrowers more abusive/overpowered in that map, one rambo running and flaming from elevator can open the door and win the map easily.
  2. There was a member-only topic where a similar idea was discussed - filling etpub #2 and then lowering etpub #1's and etpub #2's slots - of course that didn't work out at all. Even on map testing event etpub #2 didn't get completely filled. I'll just quote my post from that topic: Moreover, I don't think redirecting people to another, empty server will make them stay in there and play with bots. Personally I'd just /disconnect after 10 seconds to find another crowded server without redirect, possibly from another clan (= often player loss as they may like that server more than our etpub and stay there instead). So, if you want to help filling other servers, I'm sure there are better ways which won't harm our only really active place to play. Call people to play together in them, attend on all events there, etc. You'll see how hard it will be to gather more than 10 players regularly in current ET activity state.
  3. Destroy666

    Windows update

    My instinct tells me that someone in this topic is Steve Jobs' son.. Who might that be?
  4. Which installer did you use? I don't recommend anything except this: http://wolffiles.de/filebase/ET/Full Version/WolfET_2_60b_custom_v101.zip or this http://et.trackbase.net/downloads/i1/ Uninstall ET and try one of these - they work for me on any Windows and install PB/etkey automatically.
  5. Destroy666


    The one your server is running, of course. So if you have Linux you need to download Linux and Windows if the system is Windows. As for etpub, yes, upload all unzipped files to server (you don't need .so files for Windows and .dll for Linux but they don't disturb so you can leave them) and set fs_mod to etpub in command line.
  6. Which version of hydro did you use? This? http://www.wolffiles.de/index.php?filebase&fid=3896 It says it has 'Endgame bug fixed'. If this version doesn't work, it should be doable with a simple mapscript change.
  7. Try again in console: /cg_announcer 1
  8. glider has waypoints. I remember I played on it against bots. I think it's in incomplete_nav/prority_maps directory, not finished but playable (bots do obj).
  9. Agree, wanted to suggest it too. I'd also prefer it without shooting with custom maps. For those who don't know it: It's probably more like rugby/AE "football"/handball than normal football (what the hell is soccer?!).
  10. The error you specified has been present in all servers for all users for 2-3 years. Evenbalance dropped ET support then. So that's not the issue. Anyways, I had problem with downloading. Seems you can't get into that server if you need to download map, without enabling /cl_wwwdownload (some pk3s are missing). Maybe that was your issue too. You could have simply contacted someone who was there through chat/XFire/TS to help you with connecting to server. About the event - I think it's a really nice mod, too bad it's almost impossible to crowd the server for a longer period. Even though it was first event with more guests than members.
  11. I agree with Gaunt, although I think he should have posted a proof demo and in another base (move it?). Cheater is a cheater and he should get banned if proven guilty, regardless if he plays here or not.
  12. k3tiv is right, the beloved and awesome anti-cheat software called PB can kick you for... anything, depending on its version and your system/software. Maybe also its mood.. On old PC I was regularly kicked for "Disallowed driver/program" or something like that and I still don't know what caused it. So turning off applications/killing processes before going on server may be a (bad and not worth messing with almost useless PlayerBlocker, imo) solution. To make 100% sure (now I'm around 99%) that it's caused by PB, can you confirm that you can connect to other TM ETpro servers without PB? Any of the 3 at the bottom right: http://www.teammuppet.eu/home/index.php?/page/servers.html
  13. It's quite obvious the 'no spawncamping' rule will be broken constantly by ETPro crowd and I don't think enforcing it will work at all.
  14. PB still on?
  15. CCleaner and Vit Registry Fix every 2 weeks - 1 month, Malwarebytes every 2-4 months and even rarer AVG. I feel the last 2 are redundant though, haven't found anything except few tracking cookies and false reports on trusted cracks yet.
  16. +1, exactly my opinion. Etpub is among TOP 5 active ET servers right now, so I guess most people don't really mind being hit by mortar near oasis anti-tank guns or near ramp on battery. Is removing/weakening/changing rules for any weapon worth the risk of losing players who like using it the way it is?
  17. /bind MOUSE1 quit in console works too.
  18. Destroy666

    Fraps & ET

    Well, comparing to software like Sony Vegas, WMM is like a fist vs a panzerfaust.
  19. Destroy666

    Fraps & ET

    It's rather recommended to use /autorecord and then /cl_avidemo with movie cfg. After doing that there are several ways to turn it into avi with better quality than videos made with Fraps. As for compression, maybe try AVI ReComp.
  20. In real life you don't have syringes which make you alive and fit, you can't pick up packs with your legs and shooting your mate with panzer would result in his quick death. So I don't see how this is related to the ET mortar discussion at all. But while we're at it - you could use maths and physics to hit your target easily, not to mention coordinates and technologies like radars.
  21. I agree it's not easy to shoot mortar, but why even bother? It won't change anything except +1 kill. You should try to avoid it instead by defending a bit further, which is easier than avoiding flamer for me at least, especially camping Axis flamers.
  22. Agree with above. Could as well disable arty/airstrike, because if both are fired correctly at the same time by 2 fdops, they can destroy the whole enemy team. A good use of flamer may kill everyone camping near objective. Well-teamplaying medic can revive 5 guys in a row and win a map that way. Etc. So is mortar a part of tactic and doesn't always work out depending on both teams and the player who uses it. If Allies are attacking backdoor in battery but noone is buildng ramp, where the mortar fires, it's actually more useless than useful for Allied. Same goes for other maps. It really depends on situation and teamplay, not on the weapon itself.
  23. Destroy666


    Probably because you're another 'ghost member' as Charlie likes to say... Seems you didn't talk with him enough times, try harder (tip - he really likes being PM'ed). I think the legality of porn sites is a good idea for the 1st conversation.
  24. Destroy666


    There can be many reasons for BSoD, we can't guess it out of nothing... Clean your Windows, check if it has viruses, test your hardware, make sure you got correct drivers. Or simply write down the whole error correctly (so surely not "INIT MEMORY FAILURING") and google what may cause it.
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