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Everything posted by Duro

  1. Duro


    Submissions are closed. Got 14 participants thanks for your time to fill in this quiz. A little bit dissapointed in the low amount of participants, the quiz might have been to hard, to easy or just not attractive enough so i can only blame myself Will reveal the winner(s) and answers later this weekend.
  2. Duro

    Random mouse twist

    This could be it, i just pulled out 2 big hairs from my mouse sensor
  3. Duro

    Random mouse twist

    I have this issue for quite a while now, and it's now at a level that is irritating me pretty much In-game, and only in-game, i have once in a while that my aim go toward the floor and spin around, or towards the roof and spin around. Just randomly without me pushing any buttons. Does anyone know what this could be? Again, i don't have this problem when i close ET.
  4. Duro


    153 reviews and only 5 people who actually sent me answers. C'mon, don't tell me you people are to scared to join in, and yes admins, i'm also talking to you !
  5. All you have to do is take the advise of a bird that comes flying in and starts talking his native language; tech talk!
  6. Duro


    I am not that good with it . But thanks for the tip!
  7. Duro


    Hello all! We are all playing this lovely game called Wolfenstein Enemy Territory but how much do we exactly know about this game? Right here and right now is your chance to find out! If you wanna take part on this quiz then PM me the answers before Friday 15th May. The winner(s) and the results will be published Sunday 17th May. We are still thinking about an eventually reward for the winner(s) so if you have a good, possible idea then let me know. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "W:ET" is a free multiplayer game. Originally, the developers intended to create a stand-alone single and multiplay retail game.-True-False The map 'Fuel Dump' was the first map to be released as a multiplayer demo. What was the second map released as a demo version before the release of the full version?-Sea Wall Battery-Rail Gun-Siwa Oasis-There was no other map released The ultimate objective for the Allies in 'Fuel Dump' is to blow up a Fuel Dump of the Axis to immobilize their armoured forces. To do this, you are issued a tank to break through Axis fortifications. There is no way to win this map, when playing with the Allies, if you don't use the tank (while playing with Friendly Fire enabled and using no trickjumping).-True-False "W:ET" features several changes compared to "RTCW". One new class has been introduced, existing ones expanded and one class from "RTCW" has been renamed. The new name for this class is 'Field Ops'. What was the name of this class in "RTCW"?-Medic-Lieutenant-Engineer-Soldier The Field Ops and Covert Ops have binoculars by default. Other classes can obtain them as well by increasing in a certain skill. How can they obtain binoculars?-By reaching their class specific skill lvl 1-By reaching their class specific skill lvl 4-By reaching battle sense lvl 4-By reaching battle sense lvl 1 Battle Sense is one of the common skills which all classes share. Light Weapons is the other common skill, shared by every class. The usage of what kind of weapons improves Light Weapons ? (usages means killing opponents with it, just damaging doesn't count, this only counts for Battle Sense. SMG stands for 'Sub Machine Gun', referring to the MP-40, Thompson and Sten.)-Knives, pistols, SMG's-Knives, pistols, SMG's, grenades-Knives, pistols, SMG's, grenades and unscoped rifle-Knives, pistols, SMG's, grenades and rifles (scoped and unscoped) Which class gains a Flak Jacket when achieving the highest level (level 4) for his class specific Skill?-Soldier-None-Medic-Engineer One weapon that had been available in "RTCW"s singleplayer part only made its way into the multiplayer part of "W:ET". Which weapon is this?-FG-42 Paratrooper Rifle-Portable MG-42 Gun-Tesla Gun-OSA Snooper Rifle What reward does Light Weapons Level 4 give?-Increased firing rate with small arms-Decreased reload time for small arms-Dual Pistols-Increased accuracy with small arms Only Soldier Class players can gain experience in the Heavy Weapons skill.-True-False What does the Adrenaline Needle (or Adrenaline Shot) of the Medic do?-There is no such thing as an Adrenaline Needle-Temporarirly bonus to health and stamina to a teammate. Stamina is not drained and 50% of damage taken reduced.-Temporarirly bonus to health and stamina to the medic himself. Stamina is not drained and 50% of damage taken reduced.-Reviving a fallen teammate to full health "W:ET" has four possible modes for Multi Player. "RTCW" only had three (Objective Mode, Stopwatch and Checkpoint). The 'Checkpoint' mode has been removed in "W:ET". Campaign mode is a new mode. Which is the other new mode available in "W:ET"?-Team Death Match-Capture the Flag-Last man Standing-King of the Hill In which of these official maps (the six maps that came with the release of "W:ET") is your final objective to steal something?-Helm's Deep-Seawall Battery-Gold Rush-Siwa Oasis One of the maps is called 'Radar'. Where is the radar located? (by looking at the full name of the map)-Remagen-Würzburg-Hamburg-Paderborn How many different ranks are available for a team?-8-12-7-11 What is the ultimate Axis objective in the map 'Rail Gun'?-Defend an ammunition depot with shells for the Rail Gun (means the Allies win when they destroy the depot)-Load the Rail Gun and fire it (Allies win if axis fail to do this in the time given)-Blow up the Rail Gun (allies win if axis fail to destroy it in the time given)-Defend the Rail Gun (means the allies win when they blow it up) At the end of a match (each map when playing in Campaign mode) medals and titles are awarded to players like 'Best Medic'. What does it mean when you get the 'I Ain't Got No Friends Award'?-It means you have killed the most players-It means you had the most team kills of all players-It means you have been team killed the most of all players-It means you have received the least ammo/health/revives of all players What does a Command Post always do?-Command Posts are mandatory. Without a Command Post you can't win-Speed up the recharge rate of the Power Bars of ALL players in that team and create ammo and health cabinets-Speed ip the recharge rate of the Power Bars of ALL players in that team-Create ammo and health cabinets "W:ET" features several vehicles that can be used to complete objectives (in fact they must be used to win). Which of these vehicles does not feature in the 6 maps that got released with the game?-Truck-Sherman Tank-Jagdpanther Tank-Churchill Tank Final question: Captain B.J. Blazkowicz makes a cameo appearance in one of the of six official maps.-True-False
  8. Welcome. What is your in-game-name if i may ask?
  9. This event has already took place. I'm sure there will be a event soon where you can attend.
  10. Hello Minimalistic. Nice to see you have found your way to the forums. It might come in handy if you need to appeal for anything in the future .
  11. In ETpub one knife stab in the back is deadly. Pretty heavy if i could tell.
  12. What's wrong with an topic title that says facism? Facism is just an political system and the word doesn't hurt anyone's personal feelings i think?
  13. So since not everyone was happy with the past event i think it's good to make a poll and let people bring up ideas. I have just made a poll with my own ideas, if you have an idea that is not listed in the poll then please post it so it can be added to the poll. Also please vote on wich server/mod you would like the event to be, this won't be on etpub since it's crowded already. Not sure if every event/setting can be done on every mod but this is something that can be figured out later.
  14. Happy i was able to attend, eventhoug it wasn't for a large amount of time. Indeed was a shame so little TM turned up. I am willing to take the part of organizing events on me since this was blades last event for a long time (i understand his point tho). If there are people who have ideas or are disagreeing with me organizing events then please PM me. Think it's important to keep the spirit alive and keep the train rolling. Also a few "new players" joined this evening and it's good that they have heard and seen the name TM Oh god what do i suck at panzer
  15. I missed your post, sorry. Watch me doing simple maths: 18:00 is GMT 18:00 + 5:30 = 23:30 at your time.
  16. Hello and welcome Seen you around on the server.
  17. Great for those who want an TM-provided game play. Thank you!
  18. Going to miss my 2 year aniversary :(

    1. muddeh
    2. Macka


      We will celebrate in your absence!

    3. Grobar


      happy aniversary duro

  19. Unfortunatly i have to be absent Great iniative and i'll +1 to your words. Curious for the mod tho
  20. Duro

    ET Crashed

    If it happens to me i will do this Birdy! Amen if this is a way for me to contribute to a better, stable server without crashes.
  21. Duro

    Coming soon

    So what's coming soon? Nice vid
  22. Duro

    It's time

    Thank you very much for all the work you have done and for building this up as it is now. It was this community that made me stay at ET, would've quitted if this community didn't came at my way, so thank you for that. Wish you guys all the best and hope to still see you around in chat, forums and servers. It's an brave decision.
  23. Back for 2 weeks :D

    1. Macka
    2. muddeh
    3. Cptn Hadd0ck

      Cptn Hadd0ck

      Back to shooting people online, instead of doing so in real life ... ;)

  24. Duro

    TM Rifle Tennis Cup

    It's dissapointing to me if i see how many people vote on this event and how many actually turn up.
  25. Jesus get ur ass on chat!

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