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Everything posted by Duro

  1. Voted. Now hope i'll be there, planning around x-mas time is so hard
  2. I only have this problem when i open forums on my mobile phone.
  3. Welcome to the site and hopefully you have a lot of fun on the server.
  4. Hello Cropsel. Welcome back to this lovely community. Looking forward to meet you on the server soon!
  5. Voted. Team Eagle is on the win!
  6. Is it just me or have more players experienced "weird" hitboxes?
  7. Very nice introduction. And nice youtube vid! Welcome to the site.
  8. Duro

    Coming Soon!

    Great, If you need any help with whatsoever than hit me up by PM!
  9. I personally thougt the mortar was a good way to attack, as said before, if you go below he will be one nade away from beeeing killed. Other than that, it's hard to limit an class, i know it's just a game., but the game is made as it is. wich means, mortar in every map, if people design maps by his/her own then they might not think about the result of playing all classes. On the other side, i can tell from ow experience (army duty) Mortar is beeing far more used then in this game ET. Let's keep the game the game, and if you don't like the mortar spamming the window, then just kill the mortar. Pretty simular to "real life" stuff.
  10. Charlie knows the recruiting proces and he likes to ventile his opinion. Paul, as far as i can say, you sure should take an second chance. Talk to your mentor and he could guild you into the right way. Hopefully you will still be around at forums and server For sure good you made this post.
  11. Maybe it's an option to discuss it with the members who are actually participating, instead of discussing with just the admins? Don't wanna be rude or something, but i think that this will lead into an better solution then just discuss it with the admins. I might be wrong, and please correct me if i'm wrong. I am just thinking free-out now
  12. Duro

    Muppet Mail #4!

    Thanks Ben, Venom, Andy and MrMuppet! The paper looks nice!
  13. Voted. May the best one win Do admins have an Veto in this vote or?
  14. Duro

    Infected Event

    Might be there, have to see what work does
  15. Duro

    TM Cup - It's Over!

    Congratz to the top 3! A big thanks to all who contributed to this event. Unfortunatly i couldn't make it till the end with my team
  16. It was great yea Unfortunatly had to leave after not an long time.
  17. Sorry i had to leave after 30 min, but had to do some stuff due to my home comming today.
  18. Thanks for letting us know, will update the menu once i'm from my wintersports.
  19. Welcome, and good you introduce yourself. Let's have some nice fragging in game
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