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Everything posted by >rob><

  1. hiya guys i have been coming on the server from time to time, i never see anyone there, also i have refined my autoexec near to perfect now my binds for vsays work, the only problem is now my activate: and switch to alternate doesnt not change, i try to change these in my config screen in game, and then what happens when i try to change the keys in game on the option screen is i lose my whole config and all the buttons return to default which u can imagine is very annoying. here is my auto exec i had to rename the autoexec to autoexec2 for it to execute in game, as there is a glitch in vista where the autoexec gets created more than once thus confusing vista when you try to execute the autoexec file. so with this problem dealt with ive tried to make a basic config file just for engineer being nearly there. i came across the problem that the switch to and use dont alocate the bind butttons i set to them, what happens when i execute this cfg file is that switch to and use,, come up in the option :control menu as ( ?????). i need this resolved to refine a decent cfg config for engineer. here is my cfg file : Unbindall seta snaps 20 seta rate 25000 seta cl_maxpackets 40 seta name "^p<=^1TM^p=><^1rob^p><" seta sex "male" seta sensitivity "1.2" seta r_gamma "2.2" seta r_intensity "1.2" seta r_detailtextures "0" seta r_fastsky "1" seta cg_wolfparticles "0" seta cg_atmosphericEffects "0" seta cg_shadows "0" seta cg_marktime "10000" seta cg_showblood "0" seta cg_bloodFlash "0" seta cg_gibs "0" seta cg_coronas "0" seta cg_coronafardist "0" seta cg_bloodDamageBlend "0" seta r_drawsun "0" seta r_flares "0" seta cg_fov "107" bind ESCAPE "togglemenu" bind TAB "+scores" bind CAPSLOCK "+speed" bind ALT "stats" bind SHIFT "turn" bind SPACE "centerview" bind ' "+useitem" bind , "itemprev" bind - "zoomout" bind . "itemnext" bind = "zoomin" bind [ "weapnext" bind \ "+mlook" bind A "+sprint" bind B "+zoom" bind C "+prone" bind D "+back" bind E "+forward" bind F "+moveright" bind G "+activate" bind H "+mapexpand" bind L "OpenLimboMenu" bind p "+dropweapon" bind S "+Moveleft" bind T "weapalt" bind U "messagemode" bind V "+movedown" bind X "weapprev" bind Y "messagemode2" bind Z "+walk" bind F1 "vote yes" bind F2 "vote no" bind F12 "screenshot" bind 3 "weaponbank 7" bind MOUSE1 "+attack" bind MOUSE2 "+moveup" bind MWHEELDOWN "+reload" bind MWHEELUP "weaponbank 1" // grenade primer set primegrenade "weaponbank 4; +attack; set grenadetoggle vstr throwgrenade" set throwgrenade "-attack; weaponbank 3; set grenadetoggle vstr primegrenade" set grenadetoggle "vstr primegrenade" bind mouse3 "vstr grenadetoggle" vstr clearsettings // bind key pad settings bind KP_SLASH "vsay_team Incoming" bind KP_MINUS "vsay_team NeedBackup" bind KP_PLUS "vsay Thanks" bind KP_ENTER "vsay_team FollowMe" bind KP_HOME "vsay_team DynamitePlanted" bind KP_UPARROW "vsay_team Oops" bind KP_PGUP "vsay_team DynamiteDefused" bind KP_LEFTARROW "vsay_Team DefendObjective" bind KP_5 "vsay Hi" bind KP_RIGHTARROW "vsay Welcome" bind KP_END "vsay_team NeedAmmo" bind KP_DOWNARROW "vsay GreatShot" bind KP_PGDN "vsay_team Sorry" bind KP_INS "vsay_team Medic" bind KP_DEL "vsay_team IamEngineer" bind 1 "weaponbank 1; vstr resete" bind 2 "weaponbank 2; vstr resete" bind 3 "weaponbank 7; vstr resete" bind 4 "weaponbank 4; vstr resete" bind 5 "weaponbank 5; vstr resete" bind 6 "weaponbank 6; vstr resete" bind w "vstr nextw-bank23e; set nextw-bank56e vstr w-bank5e" bind r "vstr nextw-bank56e; set nextw-bank23e vstr w-bank3e" bind g "vstr quickengineer" bind t "weaponbank 4; vstr resete" bind q "weaponbank 1; vstr resete" //Multiple-Weaponbind Script Weaponbank 3 and 4 set w-bank3e "weaponbank 3; set nextw-bank23e vstr w-bank2e" set w-bank2e "weaponbank 2; set nextw-bank23e vstr w-bank3e" set nextw-bank23e "vstr w-bank3e" //Multiple-Weaponbind Script Weaponbank 5 and 6 set w-bank5e "weaponbank 5; set nextw-bank56e vstr w-bank6e" set w-bank6e "weaponbank 6; set nextw-bank56e vstr w-bank5e" set nextw-bank56e "vstr w-bank5e" set resete "set nextw-bank23e vstr w-bank3e; set nextw-bank56e vstr w-bank5e" please could u reply a post to why the swtich to bind and use bind didnt alocate a button f and g to them. and give me the appropriate lines to add so they will have t and g allocated to them. also i want to add colours to my vsays so there not just normal colours, could u add a line of your own which uses colours in your vasays so that i might learn to make my own. thank you, and hope to see someone in the server soon . p.s what server do you all play in???
  2. hiya guys i have been coming on the server from time to time, i never see anyone there, also i have refined my autoexec near to perfect now my binds for vsays work, the only problem is now my activate: and switch to alternate doesnt not change, i try to change these in my config screen in game, and then what happens when i try to change the keys in game on the option screen is i lose my whole config and all the buttons return to default which u can imagine is very annoying. here is my auto exec i had to rename the autoexec to autoexec2 for it to execute in game, as there is a glitch in vista where the autoexec gets created more than once thus confusing vista when you try to execute the autoexec file. so with this problem dealt with ive tried to make a basic config file just for engineer being nearly there. i came across the problem that the switch to and use dont alocate the bind butttons i set to them, what happens when i execute this cfg file is that switch to and use,, come up in the option :control menu as ( ?????). i need this resolved to refine a decent cfg config for engineer. here is my cfg file : Unbindall seta snaps 20 seta rate 25000 seta cl_maxpackets 40 seta name "^p<=^1TM^p=><^1rob^p><" seta sex "male" seta sensitivity "1.2" seta r_gamma "2.2" seta r_intensity "1.2" seta r_detailtextures "0" seta r_fastsky "1" seta cg_wolfparticles "0" seta cg_atmosphericEffects "0" seta cg_shadows "0" seta cg_marktime "10000" seta cg_showblood "0" seta cg_bloodFlash "0" seta cg_gibs "0" seta cg_coronas "0" seta cg_coronafardist "0" seta cg_bloodDamageBlend "0" seta r_drawsun "0" seta r_flares "0" seta cg_fov "107" bind ESCAPE "togglemenu" bind TAB "+scores" bind CAPSLOCK "+speed" bind ALT "stats" bind SHIFT "turn" bind SPACE "centerview" bind ' "+useitem" bind , "itemprev" bind - "zoomout" bind . "itemnext" bind = "zoomin" bind [ "weapnext" bind \ "+mlook" bind A "+sprint" bind B "+zoom" bind C "+prone" bind D "+back" bind E "+forward" bind F "+moveright" bind G "+activate" bind H "+mapexpand" bind L "OpenLimboMenu" bind p "+dropweapon" bind S "+Moveleft" bind T "weapalt" bind U "messagemode" bind V "+movedown" bind X "weapprev" bind Y "messagemode2" bind Z "+walk" bind F1 "vote yes" bind F2 "vote no" bind F12 "screenshot" bind 3 "weaponbank 7" bind MOUSE1 "+attack" bind MOUSE2 "+moveup" bind MWHEELDOWN "+reload" bind MWHEELUP "weaponbank 1" // grenade primer set primegrenade "weaponbank 4; +attack; set grenadetoggle vstr throwgrenade" set throwgrenade "-attack; weaponbank 3; set grenadetoggle vstr primegrenade" set grenadetoggle "vstr primegrenade" bind mouse3 "vstr grenadetoggle" vstr clearsettings // bind key pad settings bind KP_SLASH "vsay_team Incoming" bind KP_MINUS "vsay_team NeedBackup" bind KP_PLUS "vsay Thanks" bind KP_ENTER "vsay_team FollowMe" bind KP_HOME "vsay_team DynamitePlanted" bind KP_UPARROW "vsay_team Oops" bind KP_PGUP "vsay_team DynamiteDefused" bind KP_LEFTARROW "vsay_Team DefendObjective" bind KP_5 "vsay Hi" bind KP_RIGHTARROW "vsay Welcome" bind KP_END "vsay_team NeedAmmo" bind KP_DOWNARROW "vsay GreatShot" bind KP_PGDN "vsay_team Sorry" bind KP_INS "vsay_team Medic" bind KP_DEL "vsay_team IamEngineer" bind 1 "weaponbank 1; vstr resete" bind 2 "weaponbank 2; vstr resete" bind 3 "weaponbank 7; vstr resete" bind 4 "weaponbank 4; vstr resete" bind 5 "weaponbank 5; vstr resete" bind 6 "weaponbank 6; vstr resete" bind w "vstr nextw-bank23e; set nextw-bank56e vstr w-bank5e" bind r "vstr nextw-bank56e; set nextw-bank23e vstr w-bank3e" bind g "vstr quickengineer" bind t "weaponbank 4; vstr resete" bind q "weaponbank 1; vstr resete" //Multiple-Weaponbind Script Weaponbank 3 and 4 set w-bank3e "weaponbank 3; set nextw-bank23e vstr w-bank2e" set w-bank2e "weaponbank 2; set nextw-bank23e vstr w-bank3e" set nextw-bank23e "vstr w-bank3e" //Multiple-Weaponbind Script Weaponbank 5 and 6 set w-bank5e "weaponbank 5; set nextw-bank56e vstr w-bank6e" set w-bank6e "weaponbank 6; set nextw-bank56e vstr w-bank5e" set nextw-bank56e "vstr w-bank5e" set resete "set nextw-bank23e vstr w-bank3e; set nextw-bank56e vstr w-bank5e" please could u reply a post to why the swtich to bind and use bind didnt alocate a button f and g to them. and give me the appropriate lines to add so they will have t and g allocated to them. also i want to add colours to my vsays so there not just normal colours, could u add a line of your own which uses colours in your vasays so that i might learn to make my own. thank you, and hope to see someone in the server soon . p.s what server do you all play in???
  3. ET freezing and crashing problems and solutions in working: Part1 problems with crashes: i play for 30mins or less on PB servers/then crash and have to reboot. reinstalled xp and wipe system clean----- (problem still persists) crashes after 30 mins or so. 02/09/2008 06:17 Application Error Faulting application et.exe, version, faulting module et.exe, version, fault address 0x00027ab4. 02/09/2008 06:18 Application Error Faulting application et.exe, version, faulting module et.exe, version, fault address 0x00027ab4. 02/09/2008 06:25 Application Error Faulting application et.exe, version, faulting module et.exe, version, fault address 0x00027ab4. 02/09/2008 19:07 Application Error Faulting application et.exe, version, faulting module nvoglnt.dll, version, fault address 0x000d177e. 02/09/2008 19:08 Application Hang Hanging application ET.exe, version, hang module hungapp, version, hang address 0x00000000. found these error messages in error logs. found this site to related problems many people have the same. http://www.punksbusted.com/forums/index ... 8804&st=20 my system info : My Computer Information - General 100% (collecting Local Disk information) Refresh screen Specifications P4VM8 System Model: P4VM8 BIOS Version: American Megatrends Inc. P1.00 Operating System Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Version: 5.1.2600 Service Pack: 3.0 Location: C:\WINDOWS PID: 55277-OEM-0040467-95559 Hot Fix: KB953839 Memory (RAM) Capacity: 511.23 MB Processor Intel® Pentium® 4 CPU 3.06GHz Version: x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 7 Speed: 3066 MHz General Computer Info System Name: ROB Domain: WORKGROUP Time Zone: GMT Standard Time Connection: Workstation (standalone) Proxy Server: Auto IP Address: IPX Address: Not Enabled Local Disk Total Capacity: 111.80 GB Sum of Hard Disks: (C: ) Used: 11.93 GB Free: 99.87 GB Plug and Play Monitor and NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440..... update this driver. no effect in fact when i did using windows-update, it gave me and open_gl problem which blocked access into ET completely, great help that was so unrolled the update. -------------------------------------------------------------------- My Computer Information - Status - everything good and working properly. -------------------------------------------------------------------- found this site also for pb refrence: http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?pa ... ort-et.php (23:36) still freezing up, found this: unistalled PB and reinstalled: didnt work. so carried on reading here: http://www.punksbusted.com/forums/index ... 8804&st=20: which basically says i have to get a evenbalance ticket from here: http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticke ... hp?game=et (which takes ages to respond) hmmmmmmmmmmmm -------------------------------------------------------------------------- i also got this: as my comp was asking for RAID Controller software and coulnt find it itself. http://www.punksbusted.com/forums/index ... topic=6249 Silicon Image Sil 3x12A SATA RAID: Installing this driver will fix the issue. Note that it is just for RAID controller. Adding the SiI RAID controller to an existing Windows 2000/XP installation --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow the instructions in this section to install the Silicon Image SiI 3112 driver on a system already running Windows 2000. 1. Power off the system. Connect the hard drives to the SiI 3112 controller and insert the controller into a PCI slot. Power up the system. 2. During OS boot up, Windows 2000 will display the 'Found New Hardware Wizard'. Click 'Next'. 3. Select 'Search for a suitable driver for my device (Recommended)' and Click 'Next'. 4. Under 'Optional search locations' insure that 'Floppy disk drives' is checked. 5. Insert the diskette labeled ' Silicon Image SiI 3112 SATARaid Driver Installation Disk' into A: and click 'Next'. 6. When the wizard indicates that it found a driver for the device click 'Next'. 7. If the 'Digital Signature Not Found' dialog appears, click 'Yes' to continue installing the driver. 8. The wizard will now copy the required files to the system and start the driver. After starting the driver the wizard will display a completion dialog, click 'Finish' to exit the wizard. 9. See instructions in section 4 to verify controller was installed correctly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (for adding raid contolller software to my hardware which is apparently missing) problem is on step one its asks me to do this: Connect the hard drives to the SiI 3112 controller and insert the controller into a PCI slot. I dont know what that means or how to do it any surrgestions?....... when i know how to do this, i can report if it fixed the problem.....
  4. ET freezing and crashing problems and solutions in working: Part1 problems with crashes: i play for 30mins or less on PB servers/then crash and have to reboot. reinstalled xp and wipe system clean----- (problem still persists) crashes after 30 mins or so. 02/09/2008 06:17 Application Error Faulting application et.exe, version, faulting module et.exe, version, fault address 0x00027ab4. 02/09/2008 06:18 Application Error Faulting application et.exe, version, faulting module et.exe, version, fault address 0x00027ab4. 02/09/2008 06:25 Application Error Faulting application et.exe, version, faulting module et.exe, version, fault address 0x00027ab4. 02/09/2008 19:07 Application Error Faulting application et.exe, version, faulting module nvoglnt.dll, version, fault address 0x000d177e. 02/09/2008 19:08 Application Hang Hanging application ET.exe, version, hang module hungapp, version, hang address 0x00000000. found these error messages in error logs. found this site to related problems many people have the same. http://www.punksbusted.com/forums/index ... 8804&st=20 my system info : My Computer Information - General 100% (collecting Local Disk information) Refresh screen Specifications P4VM8 System Model: P4VM8 BIOS Version: American Megatrends Inc. P1.00 Operating System Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Version: 5.1.2600 Service Pack: 3.0 Location: C:\WINDOWS PID: 55277-OEM-0040467-95559 Hot Fix: KB953839 Memory (RAM) Capacity: 511.23 MB Processor Intel® Pentium® 4 CPU 3.06GHz Version: x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 7 Speed: 3066 MHz General Computer Info System Name: ROB Domain: WORKGROUP Time Zone: GMT Standard Time Connection: Workstation (standalone) Proxy Server: Auto IP Address: IPX Address: Not Enabled Local Disk Total Capacity: 111.80 GB Sum of Hard Disks: (C: ) Used: 11.93 GB Free: 99.87 GB Plug and Play Monitor and NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440..... update this driver. no effect in fact when i did using windows-update, it gave me and open_gl problem which blocked access into ET completely, great help that was so unrolled the update. -------------------------------------------------------------------- My Computer Information - Status - everything good and working properly. -------------------------------------------------------------------- found this site also for pb refrence: http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?pa ... ort-et.php (23:36) still freezing up, found this: unistalled PB and reinstalled: didnt work. so carried on reading here: http://www.punksbusted.com/forums/index ... 8804&st=20: which basically says i have to get a evenbalance ticket from here: http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticke ... hp?game=et (which takes ages to respond) hmmmmmmmmmmmm -------------------------------------------------------------------------- i also got this: as my comp was asking for RAID Controller software and coulnt find it itself. http://www.punksbusted.com/forums/index ... topic=6249 Silicon Image Sil 3x12A SATA RAID: Installing this driver will fix the issue. Note that it is just for RAID controller. Adding the SiI RAID controller to an existing Windows 2000/XP installation --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow the instructions in this section to install the Silicon Image SiI 3112 driver on a system already running Windows 2000. 1. Power off the system. Connect the hard drives to the SiI 3112 controller and insert the controller into a PCI slot. Power up the system. 2. During OS boot up, Windows 2000 will display the 'Found New Hardware Wizard'. Click 'Next'. 3. Select 'Search for a suitable driver for my device (Recommended)' and Click 'Next'. 4. Under 'Optional search locations' insure that 'Floppy disk drives' is checked. 5. Insert the diskette labeled ' Silicon Image SiI 3112 SATARaid Driver Installation Disk' into A: and click 'Next'. 6. When the wizard indicates that it found a driver for the device click 'Next'. 7. If the 'Digital Signature Not Found' dialog appears, click 'Yes' to continue installing the driver. 8. The wizard will now copy the required files to the system and start the driver. After starting the driver the wizard will display a completion dialog, click 'Finish' to exit the wizard. 9. See instructions in section 4 to verify controller was installed correctly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (for adding raid contolller software to my hardware which is apparently missing) problem is on step one its asks me to do this: Connect the hard drives to the SiI 3112 controller and insert the controller into a PCI slot. I dont know what that means or how to do it any surrgestions?....... when i know how to do this, i can report if it fixed the problem.....
  5. here's my error messages: can someone have a look at this for me please: 02/09/2008 06:17 Application Error Faulting application et.exe, version, faulting module et.exe, version, fault address 0x00027ab4. 02/09/2008 06:18 Application Error Faulting application et.exe, version, faulting module et.exe, version, fault address 0x00027ab4. 02/09/2008 06:25 Application Error Faulting application et.exe, version, faulting module et.exe, version, fault address 0x00027ab4. 02/09/2008 19:07 Application Error Faulting application et.exe, version, faulting module nvoglnt.dll, version, fault address 0x000d177e. 02/09/2008 19:08 Application Hang Hanging application ET.exe, version, hang module hungapp, version, hang address 0x00000000. also my comp now keeps prompting me to find software for my RAID Controller, even though diagnostics say its is running fine, another contridicting prompt says this hardware will not work properly, could this be my problem? and thanks for the site, i did find it last night, and installed and etkey back...... only to find today 40mins into et, my comp crashed again. and ive reinstalled and dne a clean wipe of the system. well anyone with technical knowledge please help me :)
  6. here's my error messages: can someone have a look at this for me please: 02/09/2008 06:17 Application Error Faulting application et.exe, version, faulting module et.exe, version, fault address 0x00027ab4. 02/09/2008 06:18 Application Error Faulting application et.exe, version, faulting module et.exe, version, fault address 0x00027ab4. 02/09/2008 06:25 Application Error Faulting application et.exe, version, faulting module et.exe, version, fault address 0x00027ab4. 02/09/2008 19:07 Application Error Faulting application et.exe, version, faulting module nvoglnt.dll, version, fault address 0x000d177e. 02/09/2008 19:08 Application Hang Hanging application ET.exe, version, hang module hungapp, version, hang address 0x00000000. also my comp now keeps prompting me to find software for my RAID Controller, even though diagnostics say its is running fine, another contridicting prompt says this hardware will not work properly, could this be my problem? and thanks for the site, i did find it last night, and installed and etkey back...... only to find today 40mins into et, my comp crashed again. and ive reinstalled and dne a clean wipe of the system. well anyone with technical knowledge please help me :)
  7. after reading about dos attacks mrmuppet, it sounds exactly that was my problem, i didnt know of external scanners but if you could post a site to look up i would be very grateful, well its took me from my last post to this post to wipe clean and get the basics back, and machine and speed seem to be running lovely now :) keep fingers crossed that this dont happen again. although i lost loads of data, i dont really mind to much, as gives me something to do to get it back, or play about with new tools and such............... now i have ( temporarily installed) avg antivirus, till i goto shop and buy a new one, and a few other bits like ccleaner, comodo firewall,mailwasher,recuva,spybot,glary utilities for a basic sercurity setup for the time being,...... and of course me poker lol :) as me semi pro and vlc and utorrent for me films.............would like to know if you guys have any decent utility/video/audio/desktop/image/sercurity/diagnostic tools/ or any other wiked downloads for me too add.........as right now me comp looks bare lol and need to fill up space......also ive been looking around where to download full version of et and patches and maps, only looked for a second before coming on here, what is the best site to get these from?............ anyhows........glad today is over with gettin this sorted as i have square eyes now............ im hopeing the et key wont let me down, from what i can gather is after insatlation, i goto etmain folder, delete the etkey present and add my own etkey i have saved, i will wait for a responce before i do this, as i know if i mess up the key stuff i lose tonnes of xp and some admin levels and wouldnt want that to happen, also i heard if you mess this up, i wont be able to conect to the servers i play on at all, so please get back to me soon. i.e: idiots guide to the etkey quiz in steps lol ............ thanks :)
  8. >rob><

    this is weird

    after reading about dos attacks mrmuppet, it sounds exactly that was my problem, i didnt know of external scanners but if you could post a site to look up i would be very grateful, well its took me from my last post to this post to wipe clean and get the basics back, and machine and speed seem to be running lovely now :) keep fingers crossed that this dont happen again. although i lost loads of data, i dont really mind to much, as gives me something to do to get it back, or play about with new tools and such............... now i have ( temporarily installed) avg antivirus, till i goto shop and buy a new one, and a few other bits like ccleaner, comodo firewall,mailwasher,recuva,spybot,glary utilities for a basic sercurity setup for the time being,...... and of course me poker lol :) as me semi pro and vlc and utorrent for me films.............would like to know if you guys have any decent utility/video/audio/desktop/image/sercurity/diagnostic tools/ or any other wiked downloads for me too add.........as right now me comp looks bare lol and need to fill up space......also ive been looking around where to download full version of et and patches and maps, only looked for a second before coming on here, what is the best site to get these from?............ anyhows........glad today is over with gettin this sorted as i have square eyes now............ im hopeing the et key wont let me down, from what i can gather is after insatlation, i goto etmain folder, delete the etkey present and add my own etkey i have saved, i will wait for a responce before i do this, as i know if i mess up the key stuff i lose tonnes of xp and some admin levels and wouldnt want that to happen, also i heard if you mess this up, i wont be able to conect to the servers i play on at all, so please get back to me soon. i.e: idiots guide to the etkey quiz in steps lol ............ thanks :)
  9. thanks virus, ive saved etkey to data disk and will reinstall and i have a fast connection so will change that the setrate also,............ my comp is acting so bizzare, it keep shutting down, my internet speed has slowed down to a halt, with reported driver problems, fix those, then more problems happen........................some of my admin settings on my own comp have been blocked off to me, it keeps connecting to the internet by itself....... then on start up its comes up with a slightly diffrent windows xp picture screen that looks a bit worse than the original one, and when it shuts down it goes back to the nice looking xp load up picture, and says it has recovered from a serious error..and then after a while it happens agian........ well spent hours and hours trying to do everything i can to make it better.............seems the system is only getting worse.... and now my diagnostic scans and help menu's have been blocked off to me too.......... im not sure what is happining, but im going to do a whole sytem wipe....recovery.......and hope everything can go back to normal.......... if i dont post here by the end of the day................then its all gone tits up...........and the machine is on its way to the shops....... wish me luck lol :)
  10. >rob><

    this is weird

    thanks virus, ive saved etkey to data disk and will reinstall and i have a fast connection so will change that the setrate also,............ my comp is acting so bizzare, it keep shutting down, my internet speed has slowed down to a halt, with reported driver problems, fix those, then more problems happen........................some of my admin settings on my own comp have been blocked off to me, it keeps connecting to the internet by itself....... then on start up its comes up with a slightly diffrent windows xp picture screen that looks a bit worse than the original one, and when it shuts down it goes back to the nice looking xp load up picture, and says it has recovered from a serious error..and then after a while it happens agian........ well spent hours and hours trying to do everything i can to make it better.............seems the system is only getting worse.... and now my diagnostic scans and help menu's have been blocked off to me too.......... im not sure what is happining, but im going to do a whole sytem wipe....recovery.......and hope everything can go back to normal.......... if i dont post here by the end of the day................then its all gone tits up...........and the machine is on its way to the shops....... wish me luck lol :)
  11. could it be coming from my comp to the server, because my comp has been acting strange, turning itself off in the middle of maps, freezing in maps, constant reloading of nade gun,............... and the last crash was when i turned up too...and kept trying to connect... not sure, but ive ran spybot cccleaner,virus scans,glary utilities,malware scans, updated drivers, installed sp3,hardware scans. all sorts........and didnt come up with much.... but ive been noticing wolfenstien has been acting funny with me............. here my total start script. seta name "^p<=^1TM^p=><^1rob^p><" seta sex "male" //Controls --- bind E "+forward" bind D "+back" bind S "+moveleft" bind F "+moveright" bind MOUSE2 "+moveup" bind c "+prone" bind Z "+sprint" bind G "+activate" bind t "+switchtoalternate" bind Y "messagemode2" bind v "+movedown" bind TAB "+scores" bind L "openlimbomenu" bind H "+mapexpand" bind A "+sprint" bind . "zoomin" bind , "zoomout" bind ALT "stats" bind CTRL "+topshots" bind MOUSE1 "+attack" bind MWHEELUP "+grenade" bind MWHEELDOWN "+reload" bind F1 "vote yes" bind F2 "vote no" bind F11 "screenshot" bind F12 "record" //Weapons bind 1 "weaponbank 1; vstr resete" bind 2 "weaponbank 2; vstr resete" bind 3 "weaponbank 7; vstr resete" bind 4 "weaponbank 4; vstr resete" bind 5 "weaponbank 5; vstr resete" bind 6 "weaponbank 6; vstr resete" bind w "vstr nextw-bank23e; set nextw-bank56e vstr w-bank5e" bind r "vstr nextw-bank56e; set nextw-bank23e vstr w-bank3e" bind g "vstr quickengineer" bind t "weaponbank 4; vstr resete" bind q "weaponbank 1; vstr resete" //Multiple-Weaponbind Script Weaponbank 3 and 4 set w-bank3e "weaponbank 3; set nextw-bank23e vstr w-bank2e" set w-bank2e "weaponbank 2; set nextw-bank23e vstr w-bank3e" set nextw-bank23e "vstr w-bank3e" //Multiple-Weaponbind Script Weaponbank 5 and 6 set w-bank5e "weaponbank 5; set nextw-bank56e vstr w-bank6e" set w-bank6e "weaponbank 6; set nextw-bank56e vstr w-bank5e" set nextw-bank56e "vstr w-bank5e" set resete "set nextw-bank23e vstr w-bank3e; set nextw-bank56e vstr w-bank5e" bind KP_HOME "vsay hi" bind KP_PGUP "vsay_team reviveme" bind KP_5 "vsay_team iamEngineer" bind KP_END "vsay_team needammo" bind KP_UPARROW "vsay_Team coverme" bind KP_DOWNARROW "vsay_team medic" bind KP_LEFTARROW "vsay_team sorry" bind KP_RIGHTARROW "vsay_team yourwelcome" bind KP_INS "vsay_team incoming" bind KP_DEL "vsay_team needbackup" bind KP_PGDN "vsay thanks" // Fireteam highlighter set showteam "selectbuddy -2; set nextteamtoggle vstr hideteam; echo Team ^3Highlighted!!!" set hideteam "selectbuddy -1; set nextteamtoggle vstr showteam; echo Team icons ^1hidden!!!" set nextteamtoggle "vstr showteam" bind INS "vstr nextteamtoggle" seta sensitivity 6 set cg_atmosphericeffects 0 set r_intensity 1.2 set r_detailtextures 0 set r_fastsky 1 set cl_maxpackets 50 set rate 15000 when loading the script doesnt seem to have problems ...except some of the vsays dont work sometimes.
  12. >rob><

    this is weird

    could it be coming from my comp to the server, because my comp has been acting strange, turning itself off in the middle of maps, freezing in maps, constant reloading of nade gun,............... and the last crash was when i turned up too...and kept trying to connect... not sure, but ive ran spybot cccleaner,virus scans,glary utilities,malware scans, updated drivers, installed sp3,hardware scans. all sorts........and didnt come up with much.... but ive been noticing wolfenstien has been acting funny with me............. here my total start script. seta name "^p<=^1TM^p=><^1rob^p><" seta sex "male" //Controls --- bind E "+forward" bind D "+back" bind S "+moveleft" bind F "+moveright" bind MOUSE2 "+moveup" bind c "+prone" bind Z "+sprint" bind G "+activate" bind t "+switchtoalternate" bind Y "messagemode2" bind v "+movedown" bind TAB "+scores" bind L "openlimbomenu" bind H "+mapexpand" bind A "+sprint" bind . "zoomin" bind , "zoomout" bind ALT "stats" bind CTRL "+topshots" bind MOUSE1 "+attack" bind MWHEELUP "+grenade" bind MWHEELDOWN "+reload" bind F1 "vote yes" bind F2 "vote no" bind F11 "screenshot" bind F12 "record" //Weapons bind 1 "weaponbank 1; vstr resete" bind 2 "weaponbank 2; vstr resete" bind 3 "weaponbank 7; vstr resete" bind 4 "weaponbank 4; vstr resete" bind 5 "weaponbank 5; vstr resete" bind 6 "weaponbank 6; vstr resete" bind w "vstr nextw-bank23e; set nextw-bank56e vstr w-bank5e" bind r "vstr nextw-bank56e; set nextw-bank23e vstr w-bank3e" bind g "vstr quickengineer" bind t "weaponbank 4; vstr resete" bind q "weaponbank 1; vstr resete" //Multiple-Weaponbind Script Weaponbank 3 and 4 set w-bank3e "weaponbank 3; set nextw-bank23e vstr w-bank2e" set w-bank2e "weaponbank 2; set nextw-bank23e vstr w-bank3e" set nextw-bank23e "vstr w-bank3e" //Multiple-Weaponbind Script Weaponbank 5 and 6 set w-bank5e "weaponbank 5; set nextw-bank56e vstr w-bank6e" set w-bank6e "weaponbank 6; set nextw-bank56e vstr w-bank5e" set nextw-bank56e "vstr w-bank5e" set resete "set nextw-bank23e vstr w-bank3e; set nextw-bank56e vstr w-bank5e" bind KP_HOME "vsay hi" bind KP_PGUP "vsay_team reviveme" bind KP_5 "vsay_team iamEngineer" bind KP_END "vsay_team needammo" bind KP_UPARROW "vsay_Team coverme" bind KP_DOWNARROW "vsay_team medic" bind KP_LEFTARROW "vsay_team sorry" bind KP_RIGHTARROW "vsay_team yourwelcome" bind KP_INS "vsay_team incoming" bind KP_DEL "vsay_team needbackup" bind KP_PGDN "vsay thanks" // Fireteam highlighter set showteam "selectbuddy -2; set nextteamtoggle vstr hideteam; echo Team ^3Highlighted!!!" set hideteam "selectbuddy -1; set nextteamtoggle vstr showteam; echo Team icons ^1hidden!!!" set nextteamtoggle "vstr showteam" bind INS "vstr nextteamtoggle" seta sensitivity 6 set cg_atmosphericeffects 0 set r_intensity 1.2 set r_detailtextures 0 set r_fastsky 1 set cl_maxpackets 50 set rate 15000 when loading the script doesnt seem to have problems ...except some of the vsays dont work sometimes.
  13. my screen froze..... i had to restart comp.....then tried to go back onto server..... didnt let me connect kept counting....... then i checked gametracker,.... it says im still in the server......heres a screen shot.............. any ideas?
  14. >rob><

    this is weird

    my screen froze..... i had to restart comp.....then tried to go back onto server..... didnt let me connect kept counting....... then i checked gametracker,.... it says im still in the server......heres a screen shot.............. any ideas?
  15. thans for the replys, will adjust and i will look up on the link.
  16. could someone tell me whats wrong with this. obviously the full stops are not are not added in the script. bind KP_PGUP........... "vsay_team Revive me!" bind KP_5............... "vsay_team IamEngineer" bind KP_END............ "vsay_team Needammo" bind KP_UPARROW .... "vsay_Team Cover me! bind KP_DOWNARROW. "vsay_team Medic" bind KP_LEFTARROW... "vsay_team sorry" bind KP_RIGHTARROW. "vsay_team You're welcome." bind KP_INS............. "vsay_team Incoming" bind KP_DEL............ "vsay_team I need backup!" bind KP_PGDN......... "vsay Thanks" bind KP_PGUP "vsay_team Revive me!" when i press kpup- its comes out only as.....me! bind KP_RIGHTARROW "vsay_team You're welcome."..... only comes up as ....welcome! as you probably noticed before, when ever someone said good shot on oppisite team, i never replied but in fact i always did say thanks, but it was in vsay_team, not vsay so only my team noticed, so might have seemned ingornant. also ive never taken advantage of the fireteam options. or learnt how to use fireteam properly. so basically been most of the time been a lone running engineer causeing me to die much much more. just added to script: // Fireteam highlighter set showteam "selectbuddy -2; set nextteamtoggle vstr hideteam; echo Team ^3Highlighted!!!" set hideteam "selectbuddy -1; set nextteamtoggle vstr showteam; echo Team icons ^1hidden!!!" set nextteamtoggle "vstr showteam" bind INS "vstr nextteamtoggle" which gives visual in game highlights of my fireteam im in. as this is new to me, will take a while to get used too: anytips from people who frequantly use fireteams, any basic tips for binding vsays for fire team, and would like to practice fireteam - teamwork - to get used to the quick commands, think if someone could take a little time out with me sometime to get used to and practice quick fireteam commands and team work, would be much appreciated. and help me to not snuff it so much. added silly question about fireteams,( not to be taken to seriously) does anyone know if there is some sort of cvar click on/off that would allow your fireteam to glow and keep all other players there normal colour..... and if it exsists ...(i probably know the answer to this) (no!) , would it be allowed? or would that present to much of an in game adavntage to that fire team?
  17. rock on mini, lovely dress, cool thaanks for sharing.......... hope more people do, as is cool to see
  18. what does your work space llook like, mines pretty dull, and basic, one comp one sceen and always a stella at hand lol
  19. thought it would be very cool to actually see your team mates and what they look like in person, would be fun to see, well this is me
  20. i stand humbly corrected, they must have left mine up there when i became a member cause everyone said nice stuff :P:P:P
  21. i want i want i wantt now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. hahaha that was well cool :)
  23. in the member only section , nice to meet you turtle, you seem like a friendly guy, and good fun too, nice intro, and carry on the way you aare with plenty of practice, and hopefully one day you can see the yes or no votes and what people thought
  24. i tried what you suggested winston: before he smelt my pits: and then today he looks like this: anyways anyone for :
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